Who This Book Is For?This book is addressed to readers who are ready and intend to start creating their own WordPress website. It is assumed that this does not require special technical training, just general knowledge and initial awareness of the nature and composition of the tasks to be solved.
First, we are talking about novice bloggers, webmasters, and future website owners who intend to create a website independently or with a little help from professional specialists.
What Is This Book About?
This book contains more than just practical advice and descriptions of website creation steps.
This book is a story about how to create a fully functional, real-life website from scratch. This training website exists, and it is part of the project and can be studied and compared with what you will find in this book.
This story of the creation of the website is carefully documented. Illustrations with comments and explanations accompany each action. Work with this book in the same way as with a video course.
What Is Inside?The website creation process consists of dozens of separate tasks. All of them form a sequence identical to the process of creating a website by professionals. This book contains a description of each task included in this sequence.
In this book, you'll find practical solutions to over 100 tasks covering 30 website creation steps.
The Book's Table of Contents (in brief)1. Preparatory Stage
1.1. Registering a Domain Name for Your Website
1.2. Preparing Hosting for the Site
1.3. Domain Delegation
1.4. Domain Checks
1.5. DNS Records
1.6. Installing and Setting Up an SSL Certificate
1.7. System File .htaccess
1.8. Website Database
2. Installing WordPress
2.1. Getting WordPress onto the Server
2.2. Preparing to Install WordPress
2.3. WordPress Installation
2.4. First Look at the WordPress Interface
2.5. Initial WordPress Settings
2.6. Checking the Website Health
3. Configuring the WordPress Website
3.1. Editing the Administrator Account
3.2. Modifying the .htaccess File
3.3. Installing and Configuring Security Plugins
3.4. Closing the Website to Visitors
3.5. Installing and Configuring Performance Plugins
3.6. Installing and Configuring SEO Plugins
3.7. Installing Other Recommended Plugins
4. Customizing the Appearance of the WordPress Website
4.1. Classic WordPress Themes vs Block Themes
4.2. Choosing a WordPress Theme
4.3. Installing the Theme
4.4. Creating the Child Theme
4.5. Setting Up the Theme
4.6. Customizing the Theme with CSS File
4.7. Classic Theme Usage
4.8. Checking Website Look
5. Structuring the WordPress Website
5.1. Internal Structure of the Website
5.2. Creating Categories
5.3. Creating Tags
5.4. Adding Required Pages
5.5. Setting Up Menus
5.6. Checking the Visual Structure of the Site
The Book's Practical ValueThis book is not only a guide to action, but also a fairly detailed reference book.
When studying each task described in this book, you will not just learn to repeat the described actions. It's not just "do this" instructions. For each task, the book answers the questions "why," "how," and "what's next."
With knowledge, you will gain understanding.
You will have your own website when you read this book and do everything it says.
It will have a reasonably high quality, and it will be ready to be filled with content.
When working with a book while creating a website, it is recommended to use its companion planner for the best well-documented results.