Leadership and Management Development programs have helped companies of every size become high-performing organizations. This practical guide sets out a blueprint for establishing, administering, and evaluating a planned in-house Management Development program and is geared to addressing the training, education, and development needs of supervisors, managers, executives, and others who exert leadership in organizational settings. It reviews important topics such as how to make a case for an in-house program, defining the program, setting policy, establishing goals and objectives, assessing needs, recruiting someone to oversee the program, and evaluating results. The material is based on surveys of Management Development professionals, key literature in the area, and first hand experience. In this how-to-do-it start-up guide, Rothwell and Kazanas provide important background on leadership and management development programs, defining the parameters of a typical organizational program. They review such important topics as the planning and design of a program, formal, informal, and special leadership and management development methods, and evaluation of organizational efforts. Human resource development specialists and human resources managers, workplace learning and performance practitioners, CEOs, CIOs and supervisors will find this guide comprehensive and valuable.
About the Author: WILLIAM J. ROTHWELL is Professor of Human Resource Development in the Department of Adult Education, Instructional Systems and Workforce Education and Development in the College of Education at Pennsylvania State University./eHe also serves as Director of Penn State's Institute for Research in Training and Development. Previously, he was Assistant Vice President and Management Development Director for The Franklin Life Insurance Company and Training Director for the Illinois Office of Auditor General. He is also President of Rothwell & Associates, a private consulting firm. He is the author of numerous books.
H. C. KAZANAS is Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign./e He worked for 10 years in the manufacturing industry as a machinist and production supervisor and 35 years as an educator in human resource development (HRD). He has been an HRD consultant for the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education, the U.S. Agency for International Development, Motorola and Westinghouse Corporations, The World Bank, the UN Development Program, the International Labor Office, and UNESCO. He has written or co-authored eighty articles and numerous book chapters, monographs, and books.