This book is written for emerging leaders. It is designed to help these leaders bridge the gap from stepping into a position of leadership and emerging as a confident and respected difference-maker.
Within this text, award-winning scholar and leader-coach Charles Stoner meets emerging leaders where they are and focus on the issues that are most problematic for them. From the development of leadership skills to the practice and application of successful strategies, Stoner offers tools, ideas, and evidence-based advice to these up-and-coming leaders in an indispensable text that is direct, pragmatic, and action-oriented.
Major topics include: Recognition, development, and practice of organizational leadership skills. Enhancing interpersonal dynamics and relationships. Organizational politics and interpersonal influence, creativity and innovation, negotiation and conflict resolution. Handling problem situations; effectively utilizing diverse talents and personalities. Introduction to major leadership and interpersonal development techniques. Case studies.
About the Author: Charles R. Stoner is Robert A. McCord Endowed Professor for Executive Management Development at the Foster School of Business, Bradley University, Illinois. Dr. Stoner earned his bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from Florida State University. An award-winning scholar and teacher, he has authored eight books and numerous academic articles. His most recent books are A Life in Balance: Finding Meaning in a Chaotic World and The Adversity Challenge: How Successful Leaders Bounce Back from Setbacks. A dynamic and engaging speaker and facilitator, Dr. Stoner works with a variety of businesses and organizations throughout the country, specializing in leadership, interpersonal dynamics, and change, as well as leader coaching for personal growth and reinvention.
Jason S. Stoner is Assistant Professor of Management at Ohio University. Dr. Stoner earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from Bradley University and his Ph.D. from Florida State University. His research interests primarily focus on individual differences influencing reactions to workplace stressors. Dr. Stoner's research has been published in Human Relations, Human Resource Management Review, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, and Journal of Vocational Behavior.