Building Your Career in Psychology is a new practical, aspirational, and experiential book designed to help readers make informed decisions about their college, career, and life success.
The primary theme in this book is that psychological knowledge makes a difference in people's lives. Building on this theme, this book provides an empowered process for making the most of college and other career preparation experience, helping the reader to set the stage for academic, career, and life success. This book emphasizes academic skills, unwritten rules, career planning, and developing relationships - both professional and personal. Moreover, this book includes evidence-based career development content and exercises, as well as other resources to assist readers in discovering their own path to a meaningful career and life.
Highlights of this book include:
- Discussion of career options at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels
- Forms, handouts, and exercises (both basic and advanced) to facilitate deeper processing and application of content
- References and resources for further information
- Website with additional information, including instructor resources
- Recognition and respect for the diversity of people, their experiences, and paths
Featuring the best practices in facilitating career decision-making and planning, this book is a must read for undergraduate and graduate students in psychology courses as well as anyone interested in a career in psychology.
About the Author: Marie S. Hammond, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology at Tennessee State University, Fellow in the American Psychological Association (Division 17), and licensed psychologist (HSP). She has over 30 years' experience teaching, researching, and practicing vocational psychology. Her research focuses on improving career development theory and practice related to diverse populations.
Peggy Brady-Amoon, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Seton Hall University, is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, licensed psychologist, counselor, and certified school counselor. Building on decades of experience, her work is broadly focused on educational and career development with a particular emphasis on access and opportunity for under-respected people.