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About the Author: About our author
Henry R. Cheeseman is professor emeritus of the Marshall School of Business of the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, California.
Professor Cheeseman earned a bachelor's degree in finance from Marquette University, both a master's in business administration (MBA) and a master's in business taxation (MBT) from the University of Southern California, a juris doctor (JD) degree from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Law, a master's degree with an emphasis on law and economics from the University of Chicago, and a master's in law (LLM) degree in financial institutions law from Boston University.
He was director of the Legal Studies in Business Program at the University of Southern California. He taught business law, legal environment, and ethics courses in both the MBA and undergraduate programs of the Marshall School of Business. At the MBA level, he developed and taught courses on corporate governance, securities regulation, mergers and acquisitions, and bankruptcy law. At the undergraduate level, he taught courses on business law, the legal environment of business, ethics, business organizations, cyberlaw, and intellectual property.
He received the Golden Apple Teaching Award on many occasions by being voted by the students as the best professor at the Marshall School of Business. He was named a fellow of the Center for Excellence in Teaching at the University of Southern California by the dean of the Marshall School of Business. The USC's Torch and Tassel Chapter of the Mortar Board, a national senior honor society, tapped Professor Cheeseman for recognition of his leadership, commitment, and excellence in teaching.
Professor Cheeseman writes leading business law and legal environment textbooks that are published by Pearson Education, Inc. These textbooks include Business Law, Contemporary Business Law, and Legal Environment of Business.