1. Introduction
1.1. The importance of Modelling and Simulation
1.2. Important Concepts
1.3. Structure of the book
2. The Recipe to build a mathematical model
2.1. Three fundamental concepts used for modeling
2.2. The recipe for the development of a model
2.3. Proposed problems
3. Lumped-parameters models
3.1. Some introductory examples
3.2. Some concepts about convective heat exchange
3.3. Some concepts about chemical kinetics and reactors
3.4. Proposed problems
4. Distributed-parameters models
4.1. Some introductory examples
4.2. Concepts about mas
s and energy diffusion 4.3. Variations in two and three dimensions
4.4. Proposed problems
5. Solving Algebraic Eq
uations Systems 5.1. Problems involving Linear Algebraic Equations
5.2. Problems involving Non-Linear Algebraic Equations
5.3. Numerical method for Linear and Non-Linear Equations Systems
5.4. Proposed problems
6. Solving Ordinary Differential Equations Systems
6.1. Concepts about Runge-Kutta Family
6.2. Different approaches to solve Ordinary Differential Equations using Excel(R)
6.3. Propos
ed problems
7. Solving Partial Differential Equations Systems &n
bsp; 7.1. Concepts about Finite Difference Method
7.2. Reducing a PDE system in an algebraic equation system
7.3. Reducing a PDE system in an ODE system
7.3. Proposed problems
8. Conclusions
8.1. Intro
duction 8.2. Special
Scenarios 8.3. Main Conclusions and tips
8.4. Proposed problems
About the Author: Liliane Lona has degree (1991), master's (1994) and PhD (1996) in Chemical Engineering from the University of Campinas (Unicamp). She developed postdoctoral studies at the Institute for Polymer Research at the University of Waterloo - Canada (2002). Her master's and PhD were related to modelling and simulation of petrochemical processes and her post-doctoral studies in the area of modelling, simulation and optimization of polymerization reactors. In 1996 Liliane became professor at School of Chemical Engineering - Unicamp and in 2010 she became full professor in the area of analysis and simulation of chemical process. Liliane Lona taught for more than 20 times an undergraduate course related to the area of this book. She supervised dozens of grade and undergraduate students in the modeling and simulation area, and many of this works received awards, such as i) BRASKEM/ Brazilian Association of Chemical Engineering Award (2007), ii) Petrobras Award Pipeline Technology (2000 and 2003), iii) Regional Council of Chemistry Award (2000). Liliane published many scientific papers in qualified journals and was postgraduate coordinator (2006-2010) and Director (2010-2014) of the Chemical Engineering School - Unicamp.