THIS IS A LARGE PRINT BOOK: Calcium is major acid neutralizer and can convert your acid body into an alkaline body. As acids accumulate in your body, calcium is used up and you need to eat the right calcium foods and take the right supplements. You will get this information in this book.
Phosphorus is not talked about much. But, you should not ignore it, since it is the main mineral that gives your brain that power to think high level thoughts. You will see what a deficiency and excess does to your brain and what you need to do to make sure you are powered right.
Working Together
Calcium and phosphorus work together to keep your bones hard and healthy. In your blood, when calcium goes up, phosphorus goes down and when your phosphorus levels go up, your calcium levels drop. So keeping natural levels of both these mineral can be a challenge.
In This Book
In this book, you will be exposed to the working of both these minerals. You will see what you need to do to make sure you keep your bones healthy. Using the top foods for both minerals will help balance out them out.
Brain Power
Phosphorus is the brain mineral and if you want to be sharp, focused, and intelligent, you need to eat a lot of this mineral. No need to guess how to make your brain a power house.
You don't want to be short on these minerals and for sure you want to know as much as you can, about their activity in your body.
Why You Need These Minerals
These two important minerals, calcium and phosphorus are exposed, so that you can take advantage of their health power. Do you know how to satisfy your body's calcium and phosphorus needs? Using the right amount and kind of these two minerals will keep you away osteoporosis and foggy thinking.
Order your books now and start building your brain power.
About the Author: Rudy Silva is a natural nutritional consultant educated in the United State in Nutrition and Physics. He is a graduate from the San Jose State University in California. He is author of 40 other e-books and books on natural remedies.