About the Book
Todo comienza con una ventaYa sea que ame u odie la idea, hacer la venta es lo que realmente constituye a su negocio en la industria de las bodas y eventos. Usted sencillamente no puede desempeñar sus habilidades creativas para cocinar, tocar música, hacer arreglos florales, decorar, diseñar moda, realizar ceremonias, o lo que sea que su negocio sea, hasta que realice la venta. Si usted ha estado vendiendo por mucho tiempo, este libro le servirá como una actualización. Si usted es nuevo en las ventas, este libro le dará las herramientas y la confianza para hacer más ventas. Le mostraré cómo hacer mejores preguntas, escuchar las respuestas y ayudar a sus clientes a comprar. Usando ejemplos e historias reales, de personas como usted, le guiaré para encontrar su propio y único estilo de venta. Cuando sus clientes pueden ver y entender por qué deben comprarle a usted, y sólo a usted, no objetarán en pagar su precio. Usted está dando un importante primer paso hacia la realización de más ventas. Gracias por elegirme como su guía. - Alan Berg, CSP...todo comienza con una venta.
About the Author: With more than 25 years in sales, marketing and sales management, Alan Berg has been called "The Leading International Expert on the Business of Weddings & Events". He's a Certified Speaking Professional(R), the highest earned designation conferred by the National Speakers Association and one earned by less than 700 speakers worldwide. Alan is a featured presenter every year at catersource, The Special Event, Wedding MBA, the Irish, Indian & Dubai Wedding Summits, the UK Wedding Conference, WEPP Cancun, Love Elevated Saint Lucia and other major industry conferences in North America and internationally. He has extensive sales, sales management and marketing experience ranging from publishing two wedding magazines, to Vice President of Sales at The Knot (at the time the largest wedding website in the world), and now, in addition to public speaking and consulting with venues, caterers, entrepreneurs and local businesses, Alan is also a contributing Education Guru for WeddingWire, the leading wedding technology company. He also speaks and consults for weddingsonline in Ireland, Dubai and India, as well as Guides For Brides in the UK, and dozens of venues, hotels, bridal shops, planners, entertainers and more. Alan is the author of the books "If your website was an employee, would you fire it?", "Your Attitude for Success", both now in their 2nd editions in English and Spanish), the mini-book "Don't Paint The House", and the upcoming, and much anticipated sales book "Shut Up and Sell More!" Alan speaks to thousands of entrepreneurs and business professionals every year through webinars, live presentations and Audio CDs. For more information on Alan's website review and consulting and/or sales training services; to get a copy of his books, e-books, Audio CDs and DVDs, or to have Alan speak for your company, group or association visit www.AlanBerg.com, or contact Alan via email, use the short form on this page, or call 732.422.6362, international enquiries 001 732 422 6362. "Every chance I get to hear Alan speak about important topics that can impact my business I immediately register!" - George Confoey, CE Productions, Boston, MA - read more reviews