About the Book
A Rochester, New York-based literary journal run by and for teens. With the support of Writers & Books Literary Center, we showcase talented teenage writers from around the world.
About the Author: In this issue: Ahmed, Aliha - Skyler (short story), Aliano, T. - Leibniz Bar (poem), Anderson, Ashley - Maligner (poem), Angaye, Phoebe - Stained (short story), Ariel, Eden - May, Wind (poem, poem), Burton, Adrianna - the moon (poem), Condon, Laura - 39 (short story), Damodaran, Kiran - A Denunciation of Adulthood (After "A Hymn to Childhood" by Li-Young Lee), Collisions Theory, The Absolute (poem, poem, poem), Dearing, Kasey - Cursed (poem), Flanery, Aileen - Relative to Falling in Love (other), H. Julianna - the memories she'd forgotten (creative nonfiction), Kalik, Rebecca - A Pledge of Allegiance (poem), Lamberti, Olivia - The Asked Me Why I Run (cross-genre), Lee, Anna - A Long Night Thought, Rainwater Girls and Angel Boys (poem, poem), Marzocca, Jessica - Ham, Cheese, and Pickles on Wheat (poem), Mazoschek, Sophie - Repairs (short story), Midgette, Elijah O. - Metropolis (poem), Ngo, Amanda - My Heart is Fucked and My Health Sucks, Seven Things You Learn as an Asian-American Kid (poem, cross-genre), Nicholas, Anastasia - Dances with Wolves (poem), Parafio, Sarah - Botanical Gardens (poem), Pieper, Che - The Man with the Light in His Window (short story), Ramler, Christina - Self Medicated (poem), Rosenbaum, Yoko - Eulogy in E-flat Minor (short story), Schlosberg, Natalie - star stuff, year sixteen, the month of May (poem, poem), Schmidt, Ella - Silver Days (poem), Tseng, Rebecca - Negation (or living between the lines), When my wandering mind met you (poem, poem), Wang, Rona - New Year's Revelation, When Calypso First Got a Tattoo (poem, short story), Wang, Tiffany - Of Monsters and Men (short story), Yim, Mike - Homestay (poem), Yoon, Angela - Ginseng, How to Make Milk Tea (poem, poem), Zhang, Carrie - Amagstu Dolls, The Ocean (poem, poem), Zou, Lisa - Father's Arrival, The Road Taken (poem, poem)