See below for English description.
Bernard et sa famille viennent d'emm?nager dans leur nouvelle vieille maison. Elle compte 29 pi?ces pleines d'araign?es et de grincements sinistres, une cave sombre et inqui?tante... et un fant?me. Bernard veut bien accepter beaucoup de choses, mais pas de partager sa maison avec un fant?me. Il va faire tout son possible pour s'en d?barrasser, m?me s'il lui faut affronter Bingo et son serpent de compagnie, Ficelle.
Bernard's family has a new house - a new old house, that is. It has 29 rooms full of spiders and creaky noises. It has a dark, spooky basement. And it has a ghost. Bernard can live with the rest, but he won't share a house with a ghost. He'll do anything - even Bingo and his pet snake Ficelle - to get that ghost out!
Original title: This house is Haunted
About the Author: Maureen Bayless a habit? dans plusieurs r?gions du Canada. Elle est dipl?m?e de l'universit? de Colombie Britannique, et a occup? divers emplois. Selon elle, il n'y a presque rien de plus dr?le que d'?crire un livre, mais son activit? pr?f?r?e reste de se rendre dans les ?coles pour ?couter ce que ses lecteurs ont ? dire. Janet Wilson a illustr? plus de quarante livres pour enfants et a re?u de nombreuses r?compenses. Elle est particuli?rement connue pour ses portraits, d'enfants comme d'adultes. Elle vit ? Eden Mills, en Ontario.
Maureen Bayless has lived in different parts of Canada. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of British Columbia, and has worked at many different jobs, some of them not so great. The author claims writing books is more fun than almost anything else but finds her favourite thing is visiting schools and listening to what readers have to say.
Janet Wilson is the award-winning illustrator of more than forty children's books, including Lighthouse: A Story of Remembrance (Jamais je ne t'oublierai), Daniel's Dog, In Flanders Fields and Selina and the Bear Paw Quilt. She is known for her sensitive portraits of children and adults. Janet lives in Eden Mills, Ontario.