About the Book
Meditation has been around for thousands and thousands of years. And today, it's more popular than ever. Every day millions of people are constantly becoming more self-aware through mindful meditation. Simple focusing and various chakra meditations can help put you in a relaxed state of mind and can even open a dormant third eye...
This 5-in-1-Bundle series includes the following 5 books:
1. MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS: Ultimate Guide to Relieve Stress, Depression and Anxiety
Ultimate Guide to Achieve Happiness by Eliminating Stress, Anxiety and Depression 3.
Guided Meditation Techniques to Reduce Stress, Increase Happiness, & Improve your Health, Body, and Mind 4.
Beginner's Meditation Guide to Eliminate Stress, Anxiety and Depression, and Find Inner Peace and Happiness 5.
Real Happiness Through The Power Of Meditation (Eliminate Stress, Anxiety & Depression, and Improve Your Mind, Body & Spirit)Key Concepts Discussed in This Book Bundle:
- What is meditation?
- The basics of meditation
- Why mindfulness meditation is so powerful
- Strategies to use in 5 minutes or less
- Different breathing meditation techniques
- What is stress?
- How to remove stress, anxiety, and depression from your life
- How to work through deeper troubles
- The different states of consciousness
- Maintaining a mindfulness practice 24/7
- Connecting with your higher self
- Trusting your intuition
- Gain wisdom and clarity from your divine self
- Clear your body of negative energy
- Feel more relaxed and centered
- Use chakra meditation for spiritual healing
- Train your mind to invest in positive thoughts
- Keys to success
And so much more!
There is so much information in this book that will help you to discover things about yourself that you never knew. You will start seeing things in a different light, and your quality of life will grow in the best way possible!
This book bundle will change your life and free yourself from negative energies. NOW is the time to make a change and live a happier life! --- Get your copy of
Chakra Mantras today! ---
Tags: chakras, chakra for beginners, chakra healing, chakra awakening, energy healing, energy techniques, energy psychology, guided imagery, reiki healing, mind control, mind's eye, astral travel, prescience, expanded creativity, pineal gland, tantric, divine knowledge, inner eye, insight, increase energy, healing your grieving heart, healing your emotional self, heal your body, heal your life, heal your mind, clairvoyance, vibration, find inner peace, clear your mind, cleanse your body, middle eye of shiva, hundalini, prana, hindu, kundalini, baha'i, confucianism, gaia, i ching, jainism, mysticism, mindfulness meditation, stress management, anxiety and depression, zen, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, how to find peace, how to be happy, how to find happiness, how to find yourself, tranquility, calmness, calming, spiritualism, spirituality, spiritual healing, spiritual growth, spiritual cleansing, spiritual awakening