About the Book
Angela Treat-Lyon: Self-Help Fun ENJOY THE POWER OF THE WORD! In The Challenge, you shall find a new world of words, where you can turn things upside down in a new way, every day. Break the rules and break through: discover unique exercises, practices and stories from Author Zvia Frankfurt's own life that help you solve your own challenges, too. If you desire change, to add more creativity to your life or to follow your heart and make your dreams come true, The Challenge gives you a way to transform your state of mind and thinking patterns from A to Z. Break out of conventional thought! Discover and delve into new inner realms! You will be entranced as you create new realities, play with esoteric knowledge, create joy, health, love, success and wealth within fascinating new horizons. You shall love how The Challenge reveals hidden blessings in times of crisis and recession. If you enjoy word play, where age is one letter short of rage, or anger is one letter short of danger... ...then you will love how The Challenge brings you fascinating ways to create, evolve and experience your heart's desire and passion in a pre-sent presents present reality. May The Challenge challenge you to choose, compose and create heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, daily miracles in your life(1), abundant love, laughter, passion and wisdom's fruits all around you, all the time! Victor Sher: Very interesting. Rebecca Marina: What an ingenious approach. John Battye (School teacher): I am so excited to read them and get some promising suggestions about the enjoyment and appreciation of life! Brad Yates, C.Ht.: "The Challenge" will help you shake things up, so that you can break out of the rut... Dr. Joe Rubino: The definitions, memories, exercises, stories, and insights you'll find in the following chapters can provide you with the tools, breakthroughs, and gifts that you require to go from wherever you are in life to the next level... A: I called you up to tell you that yesterday I bought your book and started reading it on my way home. I could not put it down until I read it all the way to its end. This is the best book I ever read. Perla Dujouvney-Perez D.M.D. Cl., Psych. M.A: I loved the children counseling very much. I accept this approach very much... Yuval Halperin (Ofir Publishing House editor): Here I find an original approach, perpetual playing with letters and acronyms games I recommend it for commercial publication Zvia Frankfurt The book that shall revive joy in your heart, and gives you ideas and ways to make an A - Z revolution in your set of beliefs, state of mind and thinking patterns. The Challenge is a unique, practical, technology and tools rich guide to help you develop and master the craftsmanships to live and thrive in and with happiness, health, love, success & wealth.
About the Author: Zvia is a born author, creator, mentor and speaker; self-educated and a certified clerk, reflexologist, masseur, healer, aromatherapist and a healing and reflexology teacher. She came out from the maternity ward to live in boarding houses and boarding schools till she finished high school. She absorbed ideals, theories and values of the Hashomer Ha'zair youth movement. Aharon Yoel Hazan a Rabbi and an author whose books are in Israel's National Library, was one of her great-grandfathers; the grandparents she knew were a Hasidic (Lubavicher) man and a medicine and merchant woman; her parents were homestead pioneers. She healed from Asthma in her childhood, from Epilepsy (Petit-Mal) in her youth. Essential and important components in her healing were moves she made from Ma'anit socially pressure-cooking life-style to Tel Aviv and Hod Hasharon workaholic one. Her gifts and potential started to naturally manifest in her teens: in 1973, she became a typist, progressed to be a research assistant in The Institute for Kibbutz Society Research, and a speaker of Kibbutz life to Canadian and USA College Students in Givat Haviva College, Israel. In 1976 she took the speaker podium in Yale University, U.S.A. In the mid 1970ies life called on her to take the leader's podium, Ma'anit Culture Committee entrusted her with organizing and producing a Pesach dinner to 1,200 guests; Ma'anit Secretary entrusted her to be in charge of 120 volunteers from all over the world. In 1977 she taught British and Irish volunteers Hebrew. In Autumn 1978 she moved from Ma'anit to Hod Hasharon to become an export/import clerk, climb all the ladder stairs to a company manager and in 1997 left her well paying job to follow her burning desire to heal her broken, harmed and hurt heart, trans-form vict-I'm into vict-Or success, to live her heart's dreams, love to learn, passions to create, mentor and speak. From 1997 until 2002 she taught Universal Energy seminars, Mothers/Babies Reflexology courses in Hod Hasharon, and at Genesis College, Tel Aviv an Aromatherapy course. In 2006 she was Israel Reflexology Association chair woman and in 2010 following her free-bird heart and spirit she moved on to north Israel where she is living more dreams come true, her heart sings and her soul and spirit freely and happily fly. Her book The Challenge Hebrew version reached Israel's chains bookstores: Steimazky and Zomet S'farim in 2009. Its English versions reached Amazon in 2013.