Where do you turn when problems overwhelm you? Surveys show we normally respond in avoidance patterns, some healthy and some not. We eat, shop, watch TV, go to the gym, gamble, take drugs, drink alcohol, and the list goes on. The problem is now, not the problems themselves, rather that we don't know what to do to move on and beyond them healthily.
Is there a way to systematically work through difficult problems fast? Yes! There is a way to break loose from the chains of those problems by asking the right questions. "CHANGE !T UP" guides you through 5 lines of inquiry that help you create solutions in the now-not tomorrow, not when someone else decides for you, and you don't have to wait until you have miraculously discovered your long lost fairy godmother or developed strange new super-will-power.
The co-authors of this book draw on more than 30 years of theoretical development, clinical practice and empirical research, as well as their own personal and professional life experiences. They take you step by step through the Solutions Mastery Matrix, a system that provides you with an efficient, effective program that is easy to learn and implement, giving you a way to resolve problems faster than you may have thought possible.
It's like learning how to use a GPS that gets you where you want in your life while also showing you how to avoid the bad jams that usually get you stuck and stressed.
Why is your problem happening to you? We don't know, and this book doesn't try to answer that. What it does answer and show you, is how to turn problems inside out and upside down so they no longer control your life. This is done by introducing you to a few simple questions, 5 to be precise.
These questions help you create solutions in the now-not tomorrow, not when someone else decides for you, and definitely not when you are finally ready to get around to it (when does that ever happen?).
Ask yourself-and answer-these 5 questions and you will be on your way to a problem free lifestyle. (Did we say problem free? We did. And we mean it!).
OK, you won't magically solve all your problems in one day. We all wish! But because this is the "get real, get happy" guide, what you will discover is how to use your untapped inner resources, on cue, when you need them most. Now doesn't that already make you wanna smile?
Gone will be the moments (hours, days, weeks) sitting like a stunned mullet, * not knowing what to do in a sea of impossible problems. This book puts in your hands a simple system to use when needed. One that gets you quickly back on track and living the way you want. Happily!
*An Aussie expression that means, "in complete bewilderment or astonishment; in a state of inertia. (Urban Dictionary)
About the Author: Karen Judd Smith has been called an "innovation queen" by colleagues and collaborators, having woven a theme of change leadership in her diverse career paths as educator, business developer, life coach and consultant to non-governmental organizations at the United Nations. She developed the Solutions Mastery System, a "GPS for successful living," to guide those wanting to quickly get unstuck from the mire of problems they encounter in their personal and professional lives. More importantly, the System provides ways and means for the user to drive the changes they seek, rather than have those decisions made for them because they could not figure out which steps to take next. She continues her work with international organizations, addressing issues central to humanity's future, such as artificial intelligence and its uses, benign and otherwise. She predicts that frameworks such as the Solutions Matrix will help structure the kind of global discussions and dialogues needed to address the challenges presented by these emerging super-intelligent technologies. For more information visit: http: //www.KarenJuddSmith.com. Marilyn Morris, known as "The Singing Chaplain," is a theologian and board certified chaplain who, since 2000, has served thousands of patients and their loved ones, providing comfort and guidance as they faced emergency crises, approached end of life, and suffered with loss and grief. Based on personal experience with the Solutions Mastery System she envisions it will unleash creative energies desperately needed in our conflicted problem oriented world. For more information: http: //www.TheSingingChaplain.com