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Chemistry: Matter and Its Changes

Chemistry: Matter and Its Changes


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About the Book

The image on the front cover depicts a carbon nanotube emerging from a glowing plasma of hydrogen and carbon, as it forms around particles of a metal catalyst. Carbon nanotubes are a recently discovered allotrope of carbon. Three other allotropes of carbon-buckyballs, graphite, and diamond-are illustrated at the left, as is the molecule methane, CH4, from which nanotubes and buckyballs can be made. The element carbon forms an amazing number of compounds with structures that follow from simple methane, found in natural gas, to the complex macromolecules that serve as the basis of life on our planet. The study of chemistry also follows from the simple to the more complex, and the strength of this text is that it enables students with varied backgrounds to proceed together to significant levels of achievement.

Contents of the book :
1. Fundamental Concepts And Units Of Measurement.
1.1 Chemistry Is Important For Anyone Studying The Sciences.
1.2 The Scientific Method Helps Us Build Models Of Nature.
1.3 Matter Is Composed Of Elements, Compounds, And Mixtures.
1.4 Properties Of Matter Can Be Classified In Different Ways.
1.5 Measurements Are Essential To Describe Properties.
1.6 Measurements Always Contain Some Uncertainty.
1.7 Units Can Be Converted Using The Factor-Label Method.
1.8 Density Is A Useful Intensive Property.
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2. Elements, Compounds, And Chemical Reactions.
2.1 Elements And Atoms Are Described By Dalton's Atomic Theory.
2.2 Atoms Are Composed Of Subatomic Particles.
2.3 The Periodic Table Is Used To Organize And Correlate Facts.
2.4 Elements Can Be Metals, Nonmetals, Or Mettaloids.
2.5 Formulas And Equations Describe Substances And Their Reactions.
2.6 Molecular Compounds Contain Neutral Particles Called Molecules.
2.7 Ionic Compounds Are Composed Of Charged Particles Called Ions.
2.8 The Formulas Of Many Ionic Compounds Can Be Predicted.
2.9 Molecular And Ionic Compounds Are Named Following A System.
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3. The Mole: Relating The Microscopic World Of Atoms To Laboratory Measurements.
3.1 The Mole Conveniently Links Mass To Number Of Atoms Of Molecules.
3.2 Chemical Formulas Relate Amounts Of Substances In A Compound.
3.3 Chemical Formulas Can Be Determined From Experimental Mass Measurements.
3.4 Chemical Equations Link Amounds Of Substances In A Reaction.
3.5 The Reactant In Shortest Supply Limits The Amount Of Product That Can Form.
3.6 The Prdicted Amount Of Product Is Not Always Obtained Experimentally.
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Bringing It Together Chapters 1–3.
4. Reactions Of Ions And Molecules In Aqueous Solutions.
4.1 Special Terminology Applies To Solutions.
4.2 Ionic Compounds Conduct Electricity When Dissolved In Water.
4.3 Acids And Bases Are Classes Of Compounds With Special Properties.
4.4 Naming Acids And Bases Follows A System.
4.5 Ionic Reactions Can Often Be Predicted.
4.6 The Composition Of A Solution Is Described By Its Concentration.
4.7 Molarity Is Used For Problems In Solution Stoichiometry.
4.8 Chemical Alaysis And Titration Are Applications Of Solution Stoichiometry.
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5. Oxidation–Reduction Reactions.
5.1 Oxidation–Reduction Reactions Involve Electron Transfer.
5.2 The Ion–Electron Method Creates Balanced Net Ionic Equations For Redox Reactions.
5.3 Metals Are Oxidized When They React With Acids.
5.4 A More Active Metal Will Displace A Less Active One From Its Compounds.
5.5 Molecular Oxygen Is A Powerful Oxidizing Agent.
5.6 Redox Reactions Follow The Same Stoichiometric Principles As Other Reactions.
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6. Energy And Chemical Change.
6.1 An Object Has Energy If It Is Capable Of Doing Work.
6.2 Internal Energy Is The Total Energy Of An Object's Molecules.
6.3 Heat Can Be Determined By Measuring Temperature Changes.
6.4 Energy Is Absorbed Or Released During Most Chemical Reactions.
6.5 Heats Of Reaction Are Measured At Constant Volume Or Constant Pressure.
6.6 Thermochemical Equations Are Chemical Equations That Quantitatively Include Heat.
6.7 Thermochemical Equations Can Be Combined Because Enthalpy Is A State Function.
6.8 Tabulated Standard Heats Of Reaction Can Be Used To Predict Any Heat Of Reaction Using Hess's Law.
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Bringing It Together Chapters 4–6.
7. The Quantum Mechanical Atom.
7.1 Electromagnetic Radiation Provides The Clue To The Electronic Structures Of Atoms.
7.2 Atomic Line Spectra Are Evidence That Electrons In Atoms Have Quantized Energies.
7.3 Electrons Have Properties Of Both Particles And Waves.
7.4 Electron Spin Affects The Distribution Of Electrons Among Orbitals In Atoms.
7.5 The Ground State Electron Configuration Is The Lowest Energy Distribution Of Electrons Among Orbitals.
7.6 Electron Configurations Explain The Structure Of The Periodic Table.
7.7 Quantum Theory Predicts The Shapes Of Atomic Orbitals.
7.8 Atomic Properties Correlate With An Atom's Electron Configuration.
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8. Chemical Bonding: General Concepts.
8.1 Electron Transfer Leads To The Formation Of Ionic Compounds.
8.2 Lewis Symbols Help Keep Track Of Valence Electrons.
8.3 Covalent Bonds Are Formed By Electron Sharing.
8.4 Covalent Bonds Can Have Partial Charges At Opposite Ends.
8.5 The Reactivities Of Metals And Nonmetals Can Be Related To Their Electronegativities.
8.6 Drawing Lewis Structures Is A Necessary Skill.
8.7 Resonance Applies When A Single Lewis Structure Fails.
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9. Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure.
9.1 Molecules Are Three-Dimensional With Shapes That Are Built From Five Basic Arrangements.
9.2 Molecular Shapes Are Predicted Using The VSEPR Model.
9.3 Molecular Symmetry Affects The Polarity Of Molecules.
9.4 Valence Bond Theory Explains Bonding As An Overlap Of Atomic Orbitals.
9.5 Hybrid Orbitals Are Used To Explain Experimental Molecular Geometries.
9.6 Hybrid Orbitals Can Be Used To Describe Multiple Bonds.
9.7 Molecular Orbital Theory Explains Bonding As Constructive Interference Of Atomic Orbitals.
9.8 Molecular Orbital Theory Uses Delocalized Orbitals To Describe Molecules With Resonance Structures.
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Bringing It Together Chapters 7–9.
10. Properties of Gases.
10.1 Familiar properties of gases can be explained at the molecular level.
10.2 Pressure is a measured property of gases.
10.3 The gas laws summarize experimental observations.
10.4 Gas volumes cac be used in solving stoichiometry problems.
10.5 The ideal gas law relates P, V, T, and the number of moles of gas, n.
10.6 In a misture each gas exerts its own partial pressure.
10.7 Effusion and diffusion in gases lead to Graham's law.
10.8 The kinetic-molecular theory explains the gas law.
10.9 Real gases don't obey the ideal gas law perfectly.
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11. Intermolecular Attractions And The Properties Of Liquids And Solids.
11.1 Gases, Liquids, And Solids Differ Because Intermolecular Forces Depend On The Distances Between Molecules.
11.2 Intermolecular Attractions Involve Electrical Charges.
11.3 Intermolecular Forces And Tightness Of Packing Affect The Properties Of Liquids And Solids.
11.4 Changes Of State Lead To Dynamic Equilibria.
11.5 Vapor Pressures Of Liquids And Solids Are Controlled By Temperature And Intermolecular Attractions.
11.6 Boiling Occurs When A Liquid's Vapor Pressure Equals Atmospheric Pressure.
11.7 Energy Changes Occur During Changes Of State.
11.8 Changes In A Dynamic Equilibrium Can Be Analyzed Using Le Châtelier's Principle.
11.9 Crystalline Solids Have An Ordered Internal Structure.
11.10 X-Ray Diffraction Is Used To Study Crystal Structures.
11.11 Physical Properties Of Solids Are Related To Their Crystal Types.
11.12 Phase Diagrams Graphically Represent Pressure–Temperature Relationships.
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12. Properties Of Solutions; Mixtures Of Substances At The Molecular Level.
12.1 Substances Mix Spontaneously When There Is No Energy Barrier To Mixing.
12.2 Heats Of Solution Come From Unbalanced Intermolecular Attractions.
12.3 A Substance's Solubility Changes With Temperature.
12.4 Gases Become More Soluble At Higher Pressures.
12.5 Molarity Changes With Temperature; Molality, Mass Percentages, And Mole Fractions Do Not.
12.6 Solutes Lower The Vapor Pressure Of A Solvent.
12.7 Solutions Have Lower Melting Points And Higher Boiling Points Than Pure Solvents.
12.8 Osmosis Is A Flow Of Solvent Through A Semipermeable Membrane Due To Unequal Concentrations.
12.9 Ionic Solutes Affect Colligative Properties Differently From Nonionic Solutes.
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Bringing It Together Chapters 10–12.
13. Kinetics:The Study Of Rates Of Reaction.
13.1 Five Factors Affect Reaction Rates.
13.2 Rates Of Reaction Are Measured By Monitoring Change In Concentration Over Time.
13.3 Rate Laws Give Reaction Rate As A Function Of Reactant Concentrations.
13.4 Integrated Rate Laws Give Concentration As A Function Of Time.
13.5 Reaction Rate Theories Explain Experimental Rate Laws In Terms Of Molecular Collisions.
13.6 Activation Energies Are Measured By Fitting Experimental Data To The Arrhenius Equation.
13.7 Experimental Rate Laws Can Be Used To Support Or Reject Proposed Mechanisms For A Reaction.
13.8 Catalysts Change Reaction Rates By Providing Alternative Paths Between Reactants And Products.
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14. Chemical Equilibrium: General Concepts.
14.1 Dynamic Equilibrium Is Achieved When The Rates Of Forward And Reverse Processes Become Equal.
14.2 A Law Relating Equilibrium Concentrations Can Be Derived From The Balanced Chemical Equation For A Reaction.
14.3 Equilibrium Laws For Gaseous Reactions Can Be Written In Terms Of Concentrations Or Pressures.
14.4 Heterogeneous Equilibria Involve Reaction Mixtures With More Than One Phase.
14.5 When K Is Large, The Position Of Equilibrium Lies Toward The Products.
14.6 Le Châtelier's Principle Tells Us How A Chemical Equilibrium Responds When Disturbed.
14.7 Equilibrium Concentrations Can Be Used To Predict Equilibrium Constants, And Vice Versa.
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15. Acids and Bases: A Second Look
15.1 Bronsted-Lowry acids and bases exchange protons
15.2 Strengths of Bronsted acids and bases follow periodic trends
15.3 Lewis acids and bases involve coordinate covalent bonds
15.4 Elements and their oxides demonstrate acid-base properties
15.5 pH is a measure of the acidity of a solution
15.6 Strong acids and bases are fully dissociated in solution
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16. Equilibria in Solutions of Weak Acids and Bases
16.1 Ionization constants can be defined for weak acids and bases
16.2 Calculations can involve finding or using K,a and K,b
16.3 Salt solutions are not neutral if the ions are weak acids or bases
16.4 Simplifications fail for some equilibrium calculations
16.5 Buffers enable the control of pH
16.6 Polyprotic acids ionize in two or more steps
16.7 Acid-base titrations have sharp changes in pH at the equivalence point
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17. Solubility and Simultaneous Equilibria
17.1 An insoluble salt is in equilibrium with the solution around it.
17.2 Solubility equilibria of metal oxides and sulfides involve reaction with water
17.3 Metal ions can be separated by selective precipitation
17.4 Complex ions participate in equilibria in aqueous solutions
17.5 Complex ion formation increases the solubility of a salt
18. Thermodynamics
18.1 Internal energy can be transferred ass heat or work, but it cannot be created or destroyed
18.2 A spontaneous change is a change that continues without outside intervention
18.3 Spontaneous processes tend to proceed from states of lower probability to states of higher probability
18.4 All spontaneous processes increase the total entropy of the universe
18.5 The third law of thermodynamics makes experimental measurement of absolute entropies possible
18.6 The standard free energy change, ?G°, is ?G at standard conditions
18.7 ?G is the maximum amount of work that can be done by a process
18.8 ?G is zero when a system is at equilibrium
18.9 Equilibrium constants can be estimated from standard free energy changes
18.10 Bond energies can be estimated from reaction enthalpy
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19. Electrochemistry
19.1 Galvanic Cells use redox reactions to generate electricity
19.2 Cell potentials can be related to reduction potentials
19.3 Standard reduction potentials can predict spontaneous reactions
19.4 Cell potentials are related to free energy changes
19.5 Concentrations in a galvanic cell affect the cell potential
19.6 Electrolysis uses electrical energy to cause chemical reactions
19.7 Stoichiometry of electrochemical reactions involves electric current and time.
19.8 Practical applications of electrochemistry
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20. Nuclear Reactions and Their Role in Chemistry
20.1 Mass and energy are conserved in all of their forms
20.2 The energy requires to break a nucleus into separate nucleons is called the nuclear binding energy
20.3 Radioactivity is an emission of particles and/or electromagnetic radiation by unstable atomic nuclei
20.4 Stable isotopes fall within a “band of stability” on a plot based on numbers of protons and neutrons
20.5 Transmutation is the change of one isotope into another
20.6 How is radiation measured?
20.7 Radionuclides have a medical and analytical applications
20.8 Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion release large amounts of energy
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21. Nonmetals, Metalloids, Metals, and Metal Complexes
21.1 Nonmetals and metalloids are found as free elements and in compounds
21.2 Nonmetallic elements in their free states have structures of varying complexity
21.3 Metals are prepared from compounds by reduction
21.4 Metallurgy is the science and technology
21.5 Complex ions are formed by many
21.6 The nomenclature of metal complexes follows an extension of the rules developed earlier
21.7 Coordination number and structure are often related
21.8 Isomers of coordination complexes are compounds with the same formula but different structures
21.9 Bonding in transition metal complexes involves d orbitals
21.10 Metal ions serve critical functions in biological systems
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22. Organic Compounds, Polymers, and Biochemicals
22.1 Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds
22.2 Hydrocarbons consist of only C and H atoms
22.3 Ethers and alcohols are organic derivatives of water
22.4 Amines are organic derivatives of ammonia
22.5 Organic compounds with carbonyl groups include aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids
22.6 Polymers are composed of many repeating molecular units
22.7 Most biochemicals are organic compounds
22.8 Nucleic acids carry our genetic information
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Chapters 18-22. Bringing it Together
A. Electron Configurations of the Elements.
B. Answers to Practice Exercises and Selected Review Exercises.
C. Tables of Selected Data.

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9780470120941
  • ISBN-10: 0470120940

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