Dr Tayler is a Naturopath with 25 years of experience. She is foremost a coach and educator education is needed to empower people to change the course of their own health journeys. "Choose to be Healthy" answers a number of health questions; gives advice about supportive nutrition; provides some plant-based recipes; shows how and why to add plants to our diets; talks about how best and why to exercise; discusses whether genetics or free choice create our health; debates why Janet feels that so-called chronic diseases are in the main, symptoms of our poor diets, environments and lifestyle choices. Our biggest enemy is our cynical disregard for the advice of countless health researchers, namely: that Oxidative Stress and the resultant Free Radicals create untold damage to our cells and cause rampant inflammation and that eating a plant-based diet helps to curb this damage and rebuild healthy cells; that we should be adding a wide variety of plant species to our diets; that we should not be exercising to combat poor diets, but rather to build and support our consciously nourished bodies; that we should be cognizant of toxins in our environment and whether we are adding to toxic load or reducing it.
While caring for our own cellular health, we need to be aware of doing the same for our families our children, our seniors, our pets ... all of whom will fare better with less medications and more healthy food options.
Gluten-free and dairy-free diets are becoming a fad ... is this option supported by "real" science or not? Janet uses stories from her practice and own life to illustrate how conscious dietary and lifestyle choices can affect health outcomes and ultimately allow us to live more fulfilled lives. There is no need to think that at 50 years of age, life will begin to go downhill!
Janet believes in the maxim: change your lifestyle ...change your life.
Dr Tayler shows how journaling can help you create a new path to health; how conscious food-combining can help reduce over-the-counter medications; how daily spiritual practice and affirmations can create a more positive, healthy internal environment and she has included a list of poor-choice "Sicko's" and better-choice "Phyto's" to help you clear non-nutritious ingredients from your pantry and diet.
In addition, Janet talks about how to stay healthy while traveling; how to use essential oils instead of toxic cleaning chemicals in the home and for simple health issues.
"Choose to be Healthy" is a book whose time has come ... it answers many frequently asked questions and clears a path through sometimes very confusing information and 'flavor-of-the-month' hype. It helps to dispel the fear that we have no control over our own health, that once we're in the hands of the medical fraternity, we lose our choice and freedom.
Dr Tayler is a well-known and sought-after speaker and workshop facilitator, who brings gentle humor to a serious subject. She enjoys tailor-making health talks to suit individual audiences.
Find contact information at the end of the book.
Look out for Janet's upcoming plant-based cookbook