All is well with the weather. This book cools down the debate on global warming and blows away the hot air. The false claims of climate hysterics are superbly rebutted. There is no need to panic, scaremongering politicians are misleading the public they need to calm down the climate debate. Read why.
So lucid and accessible are the scientific contradictions of the global warming dogma that it is truly astounding how belief in its doctrine has gained ascendancy over both reason and freedom of expression. The edifice of manmade global warming dogma should collapse when the scientific falsehoods of its foundations give way. These are examined in this booklet. Further addition of atmospheric CO2 will not cause a rise in global warming since it has only a negligible further capacity to reflect heat. There has been no abnormal temperature rise since we left the Little Ice Age in 1850 - it has fallen slightly since 1998. Rise of CO2 density has no correlation with increases and falls in temperature unlike the cycles of the Sun's activity and large oceanic shifts. CO2 is not a pollutant but life giving - its greening effect combats hunger.
Whilst exposing falsehoods of "the science" as it is called, the burden of this booklet is to convey to the reader how the dogma of global warming was first conceived and propagated under a cloak of authority and prestige borrowed from the United Nations. It seeks to demonstrate how a culture of guilt and fear has from the outset been quite deliberately fostered and disseminated in order to procure a fundamental overthrow of the energy base of modern economies and thus bring about a new social order and basis of distribution of wealth.
To achieve this, environmental activism has usurped the natural disposition of all of us to care for our planet, to restore what we have despoiled and not to inflict harm. It has abused and distorted science whilst denying any contrary opinion, scorning, and vilifying those who question its absolutist assertions of coming catastrophe.
It is earnestly to be hoped that reason and good sense will very soon prevail. Our UK National Grid estimates the cost of Net Zero at £3 trillion - £3,000,000,000,000. It is an illusion to suppose that solar and wind can come near to meeting our constant and justified energy needs.
Sudden, disruptive, and immediate action is inevitable if we do not now pull back from the edge. The staggering cost will fall on all of us. All for a hypothesis which is false.
Nature is not deceived but we cannot wait for the next generation for humanity to realise that there is nothing to fear. That all is well. That all will be well.