About the Book
Contents : 1. Introduction to Algae, 2. Habits and Habitats of Algae, 3. The Range of Thallus Structure in Algae, 4. Structure of Algal Cells, 5. Reproduction in Algae, 6. Life Cycles in Algae, 7. Origin and Evolution of sex in Algae, 8. Classification of Algae, 9. Cyanophyceae, 10. Chlorophyceae, 11. Charophyceae, 12. Xanthophyceae, 13. Bacillariophyceae, 14. Phaeophyceae, 15. Rhodophyceae, 16. Oscillatoria, 17. Nostoc, 18. Anabaena, 19. Rivularia, 20. Gloeotrichia, 21. Scytonema, 22. Chlamydomonas, 23. Gonium, 24. Pandorina, 25. Eudorina, 26. Pleodorina, 27. Volvox, 28. Chlorococcum, 29. Chlorella, 30. Hydrodictyon, 31. Pediastrum, 32. Scenedesmus, 33. Ulothrix, 34. Ulva, 35. Oedogonium, 36. Cladophora, 37. Fritschiella, 38. Stigeoclonium, 39. Coleochaete, 40. Pleurococcus, 41. Zygnema, 42 .Spirogyra, 43. Closterium, 44. Cosmarium, 45. Caulerpa, 46. Chara, 47. Nitella, 48. Botrydium, 49. Vaucheria, 50. Pinnularia, 51. Diatoms, 52. Ectocarpus, 53. Dictyota, 54. Laminaria, 55. Fucus, 56. Sargassum, 57. Gracilaria, 58. Porphyra, 59. Batrachospermum, 60. Polysiphonia, 61. Economic Importance of Algae, 62. Glossary, 63. Index