Compost Utilization in Production of Horticultural Crops provides information for the compost industry to develop horticulture production efforts and techniques. This highly practical book contains information applicable to current production issues facing the fruit and nuts, vegetable, and ornamentals and turfgrass industry.
Written by scientific experts, chapters evaluate the uses of compost for greater crop yields and decreased plant disease and pesticide application, irrigation water and fertilizer demand. Considering compost use increases carbon sequestration, the book provides guidelines on converting safe waste materials into composted soil amendments while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. Chapters cover the diversity and variability on compost uses of available feedstocks; composting methods, application rates, methods and timing; and considers the benefits of application alone or combined with other organic or inorganic nutrient sources.
- Practical reference for regular use by professionals in compost and horticulture industries.
- Presents information for both agricultural and waste management.
- Addresses the effects of compost on soil health and food safety.
- Discusses compost quality and compost as a supplement in soil fertility programs.
- Features information on compost nematodes management, compost teas effect on foliar diseases, and the economic impact of compost on crop production.
This book is essentail reading for fruit and nuts, vegetable, ornamental, landscape and turfgrass producers; waste and compost industry representatives, consultants and regulators; and academic plant and soil science researchers.
About the Author: Dr. Monica Ozores-Hampton is a CEO and Co-Founder of TerraNutri, LLC. Dr. Ozores-Hampton obtained her B.S. in Horticulture from Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile; her M.S in Biological Science from Florida International University, Miami, FL; and her Ph.D. in Horticultural Sciences from the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. A former Associate Professor of the Department of Horticultural Sciences at the University of Florida, Immokalee, FL. Known as the 'Compost Queen' by the industry, she specializes in nutrient management, plant-soil nutrient cycling, and mineral nutrition in plant science and production. She has experience in designing, permitting, compliance inspections, reporting, and operating composting facilities and has developed compost quality assurance/quality control and testing programs using many compost feedstocks in horticulture crops. She has dedicated decades to research, teaching & extension work in compost production and utilization in horticulture crops.