Uncertainty characterizations, typologies and related notions in times of changeCynthia M. Montaudon-Tomas; Ingrid N. Pinto-López
Mexico and the challenges of achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
Ingrid N. Pinto-López; Cynthia M. Montaudon-Tomas; Anna M. Gil-Lafuente
Leadership and employees' satisfaction in contemporary organizations
Montserrat Crespi-Vallbona; Xavier Llopart Perez; Sefa Boria-Reverter; Oscar Mascarilla-Miró
Design of an Employer Branding model
Ma Luisa Rayón; Marina Romeo; Montserrat Yepes-Baldó; Sefa Boria-Reverter
Investment evaluation proposal with fuzzy tools. Case Molecular Immunology Center
Onailis Oramas Santos; Lourdes Souto Anido; Maritza Ortiz Torres
Performance Evaluation Procedure based on Fuzzy Mathematics and OWA Operators.
Lourdes Souto Anido
The fit between corporate entrepreneurship and innovation in the organizational performance through SHRM
Montserrat Salvans Blanch; Anna M. Gil-Lafuente; M. Luisa Sole Moro; Sefa Boria Reverter
Procedure for the selection of international markets. Application in the Cement Business Group of Cuba
Irene García Rondón; Alicia Vitale Alfonso; Zamir Cobas
Customer satisfaction at the Roc Presidente Hotel
Thais Zamora Molina; Dr. José Manuel Pozo Rodríguez; Omar Marrero Salgueiro
The Internationalization in The Learning of The Accounting Profession. Use of The Kahoot As A Teaching Tool for Learning
M. Pilar Curós Vilá; Elisa Isabel Cano Montero; Julián Chamizo González; Jordi Martí Pidelaserra
An input of fuzzy logic to sustainable tourism: a case from Brazil
Luciano Barcellos de Paula; Anna María Gil-Lafuente; Daniela F. Alvares
A bibliometric study of key journals in corporate social responsibility
Verónica Pizarro; José M. Merigó; Leslier Valenzuela; Sebastián Aciares
A bibliometric review of decision models in uncertainty between 1990 and 2018
Luciano Barcellos de Paula; Iván de La Vega; Anna M. Gil-Lafuente
Data Driven Business Model: A Strategy for Transparency in the Sharing Economy. A bibliometric overview
Carolina Luis Bassa; Thibisay González Rodríguez
Application of the Forgotten Effects Theory to the Qualitative Analysis of the Operational Risk Events
Agustín Torres Martínez; Anna María Gil Lafuente; Aras Keropyan; José M. Merigó Lindahl
Business Informality: An Application of the Forgotten Effects Model Marlene Rocío Moscoso Quiceno; Sonia Elena Godoy Hortua
Adaptation of grocery stores to the post-COVID-19 environment. The case of Barcelona
Emili Vizuete-Luciano; Sefa Boria-Reverter; Maria Luisa Solé-Moro; Anna Maria Gil-Lafuente