On the Minimum 2-Norm Positive Tension for Wire-Actuated Parallel Manipulators, by L. Notash.- Further Analysis of the 2-2Wire-driven Parallel Crane, by J-P. Merlet.- Some Rational Vehicle Motions, by J. M. Selig.- Topological Representation and Operation of Motion Space Exchange Reconfiguration of Metamorphic Mechanisms, by S. Li, H. Wang, J. Dai, X. Li, Z. Ren and S. Xiu.- Classification of Singularities in Kinematics of Mechanisms, by S. Piipponen, T. Arponen and J. Tuomela.- Non-existence of Planar Projective Stewart Gough Platforms with Elliptic Self-motions (Dedicated to Prof. H. Stachel on the occasion of his 70th birthday), by G. Nawratil.- Direct Geometrico-Static Problem of Underconstrained Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with 5 Cables, by C. Abbasnejad and M. Carricato.- Uniform and Efficient Exploration of State Space using Kinodynamic Sampling-based Planners, by R. Motwani, M. Motwani and F. C. Harris Jr..- Shape Modeling of Continuous-Curvature Continuum Robots, by S. Bai.- Dimensional Synthesis of a Spatial Orientation 3-DoF Parallel Manipulator by Characterizing the Configuration Space, by M. Urízar, V. Petuya, M. Diez and A. Hernández.- Self-Calibration of Redundantly Actuated PKM Exploiting Kinematic Landmarks, by A. Müller and M. Ruggiu.- Solving the Forward Kinematics of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Neural Networks and Interval Arithmetic, by V. Schmidt, B. Müller and A. Pott.- Three Types of Parallel 6R Linkages, by Z. Li and J. Schicho.- Positioning two Redundant Arms for Cooperative Manipulation of Objects.- A. Colomé and C. Torras.- A Sufficient Condition for Parameter Identifiability in Robotic Calibration, by T. Gayral and D. Daney.- An improved Force Distribution Algorithm for Over-constrained Cable-driven Parallel Robots, by A. Pott.- An Open-Source Toolbox for Motion Analysis of Closed-chain Mechanisms, by L. Ros, J. M. Porta, O. Bohigas, M. Manibens, C. Rosales and L. Jaillet.- Spherical Parallel Mechanism with Variable Target Point, by T. Ikeda, Y. Takeda and D. Matsuura.- A Blend of Delassus Four-bar Linkages, by C.-C. Lee and J. M. Hervé.- On the Symmetric Molecular Conjectures, by J. M. Porta, L. Ros, B. Schulze, A. Sljoka and W. Whiteley.- Stiffness Modeling of Robotic Manipulator with Gravity Compensator, by A. Klimchik, S. Caro, Y. Wu, D. Chablat, B. Furet and A. Pashkevich.- Computational Algorithm for Determining the Generic Mobility of Floating Planar and Spherical Linkages, by O. Shai and A. Müller.- Determination of the Safe Working Zone of a Parallel Manipulator, by R. A. Srivatsan and S. Bandyopadhyay.- Certified Calibration of a Cable-Driven Robot Using Interval Contractor Programming, by J. A. Sandretto, G. Trombettoni, D. Daney and G. Chabert.- Framework Comparison Between a Multifingered Hand and a Parallel Manipulator, by J. Borràs and A. M. Dollar.- A Novel Mechanism with Redundant Elastic Constraints for an Actual Revolute Joint, by D. Wang, Z. Wang, H. Dong and S. Yu.- Obtaining the Maximal Singularity-free Workspace of 6-UPS Parallel Mechanisms via Convex Optimization, by A. Karimi, M. T. Masouleh and P. Cardou.- Type Synthesis of Two DOF Hybrid Translational Manipulators, by L. Nurahmi, S. Caro and S. Briot.- Robust Dynamic Control of an Arm of a Humanoid using Super Twisting Algorithm and Conformal Geometric Algebra, by O. Carbajal-Espinosa, L. González-Jiménez, A. Loukianov and E. Bayro-Corrochano.- Singularity Locus for the Endpoint Map of Serial Manipulators with Revolute Joints, by C. S. Borcea and I. Streinu.- Robust Design Synthesis of Spherical Parallel Manipulator for Dexterous Medical Task, by A. Chaker, A. Mlika, M. A. Laribi, L. Romdhane and S. Zeghloul.- Self Dual Topology of Parallel Mechanisms with Configurable Platforms, by P. Lambert and J. L. Herder.- Four-Dimensional Persistent Screw Systems of the General Type, by M. Carricato.- Determination of Maximal Singularity-Free Workspace of Parallel Mechanisms Using Constructive Geometr