THEME 1 Theories for Cultural DNA Research
l Research for Cultural DNA in Design
John S Gero
l A Design Gallery System Robert Woodbury, Arefin Mohiuddin, Mark Cichy, Volker Mueller, & Narges Ashtaria
l Underlying Principles and Emerging Designs Based on Magic Squares
Jin-Ho Park
THEME 2 Analysis & Synthesis of Cultural DNA at Urban Scale
l Multi-leveled Tridimensional Public Place and Urban Promenade
Jong-Jin Park
l Fingerprint of the City: How Old Country Roads become Fossilised within the Modern City Kyung Wook Seo & Danilo Di Mascio
l Mods, Hacks, Makers: Crowdsourced Culture and Environment
Andrzej Zarzycki
THEME 3 Analysis & Synthesis of Cultural DNA Artifacts
l How to Let Computers Know Building design Rules? - A KBimCode Mechanism to Translate the Sentences in Korea Building Act for the Automated Code
Jin-Kook Lee, Hayan Kim, & Jaeyoung Shin
l A sense of dichotomy in household space and smartphone Deedee Aram Min, Namwoo Kang, Jimin Rhim, & Ji-Hyun Lee
l The Need for a Cultural Representation Tool in Cultural Product Design
Yu-Hsiu Hung
l User Defined Conceptual Modeling Gestures
Bige Tuncer & Sumbul Khan
l A Universal Basic Robot
Mathew Schwartz
THEME 4 Grammar-based Cultural DNA Research
l Paperless Grammars
Atanassios Economou & Thomas Grasl
l A practical shape grammar for Chinese ice-ray lattice designs Rudi Stouffs
Iestyn Jowers & Chris Earl
l Grammatically Measuring the Functional Uniqueness of Murcutt's Domestic Architecture
Ju Hyun Lee & Ning Gu Craft, Performance, and Grammars
Terry Knight
About the Author: Ji-Hyun Lee is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Culture Technology in KAIST. She received her Ph.D. in School of Architecture (Computational Design) at Carnegie Mellon University writing a thesis about integrating housing design and case-based reasoning. Since joining the GSCT at KAIST, her research focus narrowed down to three interdisciplinary areas that are not mutually exclusive: (1) calculation for UX + service design, (2) cultural DNA with morphological analysis, and (3) computational creativity. These explorations result in computer-based frameworks or systems contributing to the enhancement of the calculability using algorithmic and/or heuristic computational methods. In other words, her research focus is on 'computational culture' as an extension of computational design.