About the Book
From the Table of Contents: Keynote Paper.-1. Generating User Interfaces from Conceptual Models: A Model-Transformation Based Approach, Ó. Pastor.- Multimodal User Interfaces 2. Towards Object Oriented, UIML-based Interface Descriptions for Mobile Devices, R. Schaefer and S. Bleul.- 3. Towards a System of Patterns for the Design of Multimodal Interfaces, G. Godet-Bar, S. Dupuy-Chessa, and L. Nigay.- 4. Design Options for Multimodal Web Applications, A. Stanciulescu and J. Vanderdonckt.- 5. A Generic Approach for Pen-based User Interface Development, S. Macé and E. Anquetil.- Virtual and Mixed Reality User Interfaces.- 6. Participatory Design Meets Mixed Reality Design Models: Implementation Based on a Formal Instrumentation of an Informal Design Approach, E. Dubois, G. Gauffre, C. Bach, and P. Salembier.- 7. A Method for Developing 3D User Interfaces of Information Systems, J.M. González Calleros, J. Vanderdonckt, and J. Muñoz Arteaga.- 8. GestAction3D: A Platform for Studying Displacements and Deformations of 3D Objects Using Hands, D. Lingrand, Ph. Renevier, A.-M. Pinna-Déry, X. Cremaschi, S. Lion, J.-G. Rouel, D. Jeanne, Ph. Cuisinaud, and J. Soula.- User Interfaces for Multi-Device Environments. -9. Designing and Developing Multi-user, Multi-device Web Interfaces, F. Paternò and I. Santos. -10. A System to Support Publishing, Editing, and Creating Web Content for Various Devices, M.M. Silva and E. Furtado.- 11. Transformational Consistency, K. Richter.- 12. Rapid Prototyping of Distributed User Interfaces, J.P. Molina Massó, J. Vanderdonckt, P. González López, A. Fernández-Caballero, and M.D. LozanoPérez.- 13. The Comets Inspector: Manipulating Multiple User Interface Representations Simultaneously, A. Demeure, G. Calvary, J. Coutaz, and J. Vanderdonckt.- User Interface Layout in Multi-Device Environments. -14. A Generic Approach for Multi-device User Interface Rendering with UIML, K. Luyten, K. Thys, J. Vermeulen, and K. Coninx.- 15. Device Independent Layout and Style Editing Using Multi-level Style Sheets, W. Dees.- 16. Automatic Interface Generation through Interaction, Users, and Devices Modeling, E. Bertini, G. Santucci, and A. Cali.- User Interface Design Support.- 17. The Meta Sketch Editor: A Reflexive Modeling Editor, L. Nóbrega, N.J. Nunes, and H. Coelho.- 18. A Hybrid Tool for User Interface Modeling and Prototyping, H. Trætteberg.- 19. Towards a Support of User Interface Design by Composition Rules, S. Lepreux and J. Vanderdonckt.- 20. IdealXML: An Interaction Design Tool - a Task-based Approach to User Interface Design, F. Montero and V. López-Jaquero.- 21. Integrating Model-based and Task-based Approaches to User Interface Generation, S. España, I. Pederiva, and J.I. Panach.- User Interface Usability Evaluation.- 22. Automated Repair Tool for Usability and Accessibility of Web Sites, A. Jasselette, M. Keita, M. Noirhomme-Fraiture, F. Randolet, J. Vanderdonckt, Ch. Van Brussel, and D. Grolaux.- 23. Automating Guidelines Inspection: From Web Site Specification to Deployment, J. Xiong, M. Diouf, Ch. Farenc, and M. Winckler.- Remote Web Usability Evaluation Exploiting Multimodal Information on User Behavior, F. Paterno, A. Piruzza, and C. Santoro.