About the Book
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface, Foreword 1 - The geology of Morocco, an outline: topography, structure, evolution, by A. MICHARD, D. FRIZON DE LAMOTTE, O. SADDIQI, and A. CHALOUAN ...... (43,000 characters, 22 Figs) 2 - The Pan-African Belt: Precambrian evolution of the WAC border, by D. GASQUET, N. ENNIH, J.-P. LIEGEOIS, A. SOULAIMANI, and A. MICHARD ......... (70,000 characters, 21 Figs) 3 - The Variscan Belt in the Anti-Atlas and Meseta Block, by A. MICHARD, C. HOEPFFNER, A. SOULAIMANI, and L. BAIDDER ............... (133,000 characters, 35 Figs) 4 - The Atlas System, from rifting to inversion, by M. ZIZI, D. FRIZON de LAMOTTE, M. HAFID, M. EL AZZOUZI, R.C. MAURY, Y. MISSENARD, Z. TAKI, M. BENAMMI, A.W. BALLY, and A. MICHARD....................................... (87,000 characters, 44 Figs) 5 - The Rif Coast Range, an Alpine Mediterranean belt, by A. CHALOUAN, A. MICHARD, K. EL KADIRI, D. FRIZON DE LAMOTTE, and O. SADDIQI............(219,000 characters, 50 Figs.) 6 - The Atlantic Basins, by M. HAFID, G. TARI, D. BOUHADIOUI, A. AIT SALEM, I. MOUSAID, H. ECHARFAOUI, M. NAHIM, and M. DAKKI ... .........(62,000 characters, 16 Figs.) 7 - The Cretaceous-Tertiary plateaus: Plateau des Phosphates and Hamadas, by S. ZOUHRI, A. KCHIKACHE, L. BAIDDER, O. SADDIQI, and A. MICHARD. (50,000 characters, 19 Figs) 8 - The Quaternary of Morocco, revisited, by J.-C. PLAZIAT, M. ABERKAN, M. AHMAMOU, and A. CHOUKRI ....................................... (40,000 characters, 12 Figs.) 9 - Major steps in the geological discovery of Morocco, by Y. MISSENARD, A. MICHARD, and M. DURAND-DELGA ........................................................ (39,000 characters, 4 Figs.)
About the Author: ABOUT THE CO-EDITORS
André Michard was a professor of structural geology at the Universities of Rabat, Strasbourg, Paris-Orsay and Ecole Normale Supérieure. André integrated the Ecole Normale Supérieure in 1955. He was graduated Agrégé de l'Université in 1959, and received his Doctorat d'Etat in Earth Sciences from the University of Paris-Sorbonne in 1967. His work centers on tectonics and metamorphic evolution of the Mediterranean Alpine belts and Oman Mountains. He published in 1976 a book on Moroccan geology and subsequently was awarded Ouissam Alaoui Officer. He directed a dozen of PhD theses on the Variscan and Rif belt in Morocco (besides others in he Alps), sharing for years the responsibility of cooperative programs with Ahmed Chalouan and Omar Saddiqi. After André retired in 1999, he kept publishing research papers dealing with Alpine and Moroccan geology (Rif and Eastern Anti-Atlas).
Ahmed Chalouan is a professor of structural geology at the Mohamed V University of Rabat. He received his Doctorat d'Etat in geology from the University of Strasbourg, France, in 1986. Ahmed conducts studies related to the tectonic evolution of the Rif belt and the structural analysis of some key areas of the belt such as its front (Rides prérifaines) or the Strait of Gibraltar in collaboration with foreign laboratories (Paris ENS, University of Granada). His research interests include petroleum geology in northern Morocco in collaboration with ONHYM and Rice University Houston.
Omar Saddiqi is a professor of structural geology, head of the Thermochronological laboratory of the University Hassan II of Casablanca Aïn Chok. He received his Doctorat de 3ème cycle from the University of Strasbourg in 1988 and his Doctorat d'Etat from the University of Casablanca in 1995.His research works included paleomagnetic studies in the Gibraltar Arc and Oman Mountains, as well as fission track analysis in the ophiolite from the latter belt, and in the last years in the basement of the Moroccan Atlantic margin. Omar develops his research programs in close association with the geological labs of ENS Paris, Univ. Cergy-Pontoise and Paris-Orsay, and Univ. of Bordeaux.
Dominique Frizon de Lamotte is Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France). He received a "Doctorat d'Etat" from the University Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (Paris) in 1985. After a two years (1978-1980) stay as a lecturer at Mohamed-V University, Rabat, he joined the university of Reims (1980-1987) then the university Paris-Sud (Orsay) (1987-1991). During this period, he was involved in the Rif mapping project of the Geological Survey of Morocco. He was appointed to the Cergy-Pontoise University in 1991 and set up the Department of Earth Sciences of this university. He is currently in charge of a research team (belonging to the Laboratoire de Tectonique, CNRS UMR 7072) which develops integrated approaches combining field geology, physics of rocks and modelling to investigate inverted sedimentary basins. His personal research focuses on two main points: (1) kinematics of fold-thrust structures and reservoir evolution in complex tectonic environments and (2) Geodynamics of West Mediterranean and Middle East.