Don't let yourself get caught up in Biblical falsehoods. Discover the Bible truth in Contra Trinity.
Author Jerry Smith urges Christians to refocus on the Bible and follow God's law by calling for a reformation of faith and a return to the gospel. There, they will discover that the Jesus Christ being taught in many churches is nothing but a myth.
Jesus wasn't born in December. He didn't die on a cross. He followed Moses as a prophet to urge the renewal of Judaism, not to become a savior to mankind. These are just some of the truths that Smith documents here in this revolutionary book.
There is only one God and one truth. Jesus isn't the savior. God is the one who forgives human sin through repentance. Learn the real story of the Bible-and discover for yourself the reality that modern Christianity amounts to nothing more than a pagan religion.
Pastors, seminary students, Christians, and spiritual wanderers alike will be awakened by reading Contra Trinity, Smith's expansive book on how to put your faith back in the real God-where it belongs. The solution is you have to save yourself by the word of the Bible. God himself saves you through your faith in him, not Jesus. There is no Christ anymore. It's a liar. God saves, not Jesus, through your awakening and your repentance. Personal sanctification is the sign of salvation. Dear brothers, don't be deceived by the church. Read the Bible, especially Torah, 5 books of Moses, and obey and practice the commandments faithfully. God does not require your perfection but your sincerity and trust in God. God calls you now to obey the law in repentance. Dear sisters, just read this book and be awakened to Yahweh himself. Jesus is nothing a prophet to remind you to keep God's commandments.Know the divine hierarchy of gods and angels through this book. Supreme god is one but celestial gods are many those who minister the angels. Jesus was born by Gabriel and his mission was to awaken the people to understand the wisdomof God, not to save the sinners those who do not repent. Only the repentant will save his own soul.
About the Author:
Jerry Smith, a pastor and lecturer in a theological seminary, earned a bachelor of arts degree in liberal arts and a master's of divinity and doctorate degree in Biblical theology. He is the author of the upcoming books Gospel of Immanuel, Selected Poems of Korea, Naked Bible Truth, Constitution of the Bible Religion, Zhu Xi's Oriental Philosophy &Yahweh, China Was Korea.