Any career in the movie business is less of a decision, and more of a "calling" that must be answered. It is said that "You don't choose to be a part of Hollywood... Hollywood chooses you." But, what does one do when Hollywood calls a million other people to the same vocation? In the case of Visual Effects, talented artists from all over the world arrive at the mecca of movies every day to stake their claim on his or her piece of the industry. How does one make it when there are not enough positions to accommodate the influx? ...By Contrasting Brightly.
Through firsthand experience from not only the author, but also several contributors, the reader will gain an advanced education in the business of Hollywood Visual Effects that's simply not available in schools. The author and contributors, all seasoned professionals in the industry, have answered the siren call of the silver screen and through sheer force of will and determination have climbed above the crowd to become successful in his or her own way. Some even garnering prestigious awards, including Emmys(R) and Oscars(R).
Nearly 200 years of combined experience and behind-the-curtain secrets are shared with the reader, but only those who dare to convert the advice into action will reap the benefits of a far more streamlined career path, and indeed, a head start that could shave years off the path to success.
Readers will find guidance on the most common questions about the Visual Effects industry, including:
- What if I don't live in L.A.?
- What school should I attend?
- What if I don't have any experience?
- Should I focus on one skill or be more general?
- Should I do free work for experience or credit?
- How can I make the most of my resume?
- How long should I make my reel?
- Where can I find a job?
- How much should I charge?
Art schools, trade schools, and colleges (both public and private) are turning out new artists by the thousands every year. While many of them have learned myriad skills, and a few are even extremely talented... it is a rare graduate that is truly prepared for the realities of the business. This book shatters the misconceptions and provides real-world preparation that will give the reader a clear leg-up when competing for jobs.
Likewise, for the artist who's been stuck in a rut or pigeon-holed into a particular corner of the industry for too long, the insight into how to ask for raise, or transition from one position to another is invaluable. Knowing what supervisors are looking for, and more importantly, what turns them off, might be the difference between success and an unwanted career change.
The Hollywood Visual Effects industry is enlightening, infuriating, magical, mean, immensely rewarding, alarmingly discouraging, extremely competitive, and... well, extremely competitive. You'll work long hours and pay your dues, but you'll also have lots of fun, and make lots of friends. There are few things that compare to the accomplishment you'll feel upon seeing your name on the screen as the credits roll.
This book will ensure that you get there. And, sooner, rather than later.