This cookbook is story driven.
It is written by choir members from Voices in Motion.
The intergenerational choirs of Voices in Motion are for adults with memory loss, their caregivers and friends, and high school students.
In 2017, Voices in Motion started as a research project out of the University of Victoria. The choirs continue to provide a meaningful, healthy and effective intervention for those on a journey with dementia and their caregivers.
You can read some of the amazing results from our research at the back of this book.
Why a cookbook by a choir? Because, we are a community of people with fascinating stories.
But where do you begin to share stories that hold deep meaning and connection?
Our choir members with dementia often speak about the importance of support from their family members and close friends. This support, encouragement and joy was often experienced during shared meals together. We thought, "Why not compile a cookbook in which our choristers could share their favourite family recipes and the memorable stories that go with them?"
Thus, the adventure began.
Our choir members dug deep into their favourite recipes, wrote the stories surrounding them and took pictures of the finished products to create this wonderful cookbook - Cooking with the Choir: Unforgettable Recipes.
We hope that as you make these recipes, and as you sit down around the table to enjoy them, you will also enjoy learning about the stories behind these dishes. Perhaps you will be inspired to reach out to someone in your community experiencing memory loss, and maybe invite them over for a meal.