About the Book
The Co-operative Group (CG) has a Control Freak Culture. This book is an in-depth expose of how the Management and some of its "quislings" in the "UN-democratic" structure systematically victimised, bullied and drove out a high profile elected member (and past Chair) of an Area Committee. His "crime," was to ask questions, be outspoken, "say what others would like to say, but don't." His goal was to hold Management to account, his fundamental duty. Because of his deeply held Co-operative Principles and Values, through writing many articles, he also attempted to try and encourage the Co-operative Group to abide by them. For a Co-operative, having a principle of "caring for others," its practice, hypocritically, was quite the opposite. Many of influence within the UN-democratic structure espouse Co-operative principles yet fail to live by them. The fear and gagging strategies of management contributed to the collapse of the Co-operative Group by discouraging opposition and encouraging elected members to "go with the herd" and "keep their heads down." It was a misguided philosophy which demonstrates the importance of real, principled democratic ownership. This book will also be relevant to many elected representatives on committees, boards, NHS Trusts, School Governors and staffs in Industry, Commerce and The Public Sector who suffer under Control Freak Management regimes, cliques, cronyism, side-lining, Machiavellianism, ostracization, etc. Bullying in these cultures is the primary "instrument of torture." The book also addresses issues relevant to Co-operatives, mutuals and the voluntary sector: Governance, Democracy, Free Speech, Confidentiality and structural/cultural change. Control Freak Management is, essentially, bullying, undermining and mentally destroying staff. In extremes, staffs are distraught and driven to suicide. How can making staff live in fear and grossly unhappy in work be "productive"? However, this scourge is common today in the Public Sector, industry and commerce. Control Freaks (the perpetrators) often have an obsessive need to exert power and control people or situations. In so doing, some get sadistic pleasure in emotionally hurting others. The phenomenon also exists in the Voluntary Sector. However, volunteers on boards and committees are virtually defenceless compared with employees who are protected by Employment Law. In identifying the problems, this book will offer suggestions to help protect victims of such autocratic regimes. The workplace and voluntary organisations ought to be happy places where people are encouraged to co-operate and work together, even if there is a disparity of views, in an atmosphere of tolerance, understanding and goodwill.
About the Author: I have been writing for many years since taking early retirement, at 50. My many articles have been published in a variety of publications on a variety of subjects: The Atkins Diet, Electoral Reform, Co-operative Reform, Appraisal, Protecting Whistle Blowers, Further Education, Anti-Terror Laws, amongst others. Most are around 2000 words or more. Added to this, I have had numerous letters in the press and appeared on radio and television shows, usually by invitation: The Heart of the Matter, Where is Middle England? BBC TV interview on prime time news, Esther Ransom show and others. I was SE Co-op Group Area Committee member for approaching ten years and its past Chair. Also, a former member of the SE Regional Values and Principles Committee, Surrey and Berks Co-op Party Council and attended many national Co-operative Conferences, Summer Schools and training events. ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Born 1945. As an early-retired Senior Lecturer in Teacher Training (11 years), Electrical Engineering, General/Social Studies (15 years), I have been very active in politics and voluntary Public Service for approaching 20 years (an "education" in its own right!). I am a well-known activist in the Co-operative Movement, the Labour Party, other pressure groups and national charity trustee. I believe that I am an innovator and often "ahead of the game." It is also said of me that I am "the person who asks the questions that others would like to ask but don't." I am physically active and my life experience is wide and varied having travelled a good deal (Australia, Europe, SE Asia, Argentina/Antarctica}, lived in various parts of the UK, married/divorced, Single Parent Dad; a passionate hill/mountain walker, dancer (Disco, Trance, Modem Jive to Ballroom/Latin), a past member of NATFHE, NUJ. I have often acted in various courts as a Litigant in Person (LIP)/McKenzie Friend, from Magistrates Courts to the Court of Appeal (very rare for LIPs), RSPB and National Trust member. Although I might be seen as somewhat "academic," I have a very practical background as an Electrical Apprentice/Electrician, Merchant Navy, Royal Naval Reserve, teaching Electrical Engineering and still do much DIY/house renovation. I have four adult children. Most of my writing is: social, political, education, law, travel, environmental and general interest issues. I feel very strongly about democracy, Co-operation, Civil Rights and Liberties.