Whether preparing for a career in real estate or seeking to better understand the real estate decisions that they may face in their personal lives, Core Concepts of Real Estate Principles and Practices provides students with a clear understanding of current theories and practices. Larsen balances practical information with academic rigor to provide a comprehensive introduction to the field, including those factors faced by every person contemplating the acquisition, leasing, financing, use, or disposition of real estate. Larsen introduces the real estate transaction in the first 3 chapters to get the student interested and then organizes the chapters around the steps in the real estate process, which is unique.
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About the Author: James E. Larsen, Ph. D., joined the Wright State University faculty in 1987. He was previously on the faculty at Marquette University, Creighton University, and the University of Nebraska. His research has appeared in the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Journal, the Appraisal Journal, Business Law Review, Financial Services Review, Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education, Journal of the Academy of Business Administration, Journal of Real Estate Research, Midwestern Business and Economic Review, The Real Estate Appraiser, and The Real Estate Appraiser and Analyst. At WSU he teaches courses in corporate finance, financial institution management, and real estate.