The fourth book in the Healthcare Payment System series, Cost-Based, Charge-Based, and Contractual Payment Systems compares cost-based systems, charge-based payment approaches, and contractually-based payment processes with fee-schedule payment systems and prospective payment systems. Supplying readers with a clear understanding of important background material on the different types of healthcare providers, it covers the basics of cost-based, charge-based, and contractual payment systems.
The book illustrates essential concepts with a series of simple case studies making it ideal for anyone interested in learning more about the specific systems and processes used for payment in healthcare services. It discusses Medicare cost-based payment systems, Medicare payment approaches, and includes an appendix that outlines the various Medicare payment systems. Demystifying contractual language, it outlines managed care contracts and also:
Delves into the intricacies involved with adjudication of claims
Considers capitated payment systems
Addresses healthcare costs and cost-based reimbursement systems
Examines charge-based and contractual payment systems
Describes where healthcare payment systems are headed in the future
Since compliance is inherent throughout the process of providing services, filling claims, and receiving payment, the book examines the range of compliance concerns, including statutory, contractual, and overpayment issues. Using numerous examples to illustrate the processes used for capitated contract arrangements, the book includes coverage of claim adjustment, managed care contracts, and the various combinations of payment systems used by third-party administrators.
About the Author: Duane C. Abbey, Ph.D., CFP, is a management consultant and president of Abbey & Abbey Consultants, Inc. Based in Ames, Iowa, Abbey & Abbey specializes in healthcare consulting and related areas. Dr. Abbey, whose work in healthcare now spans more than 25 years, earned his graduate degrees at the University of Notre Dame and Iowa State University. Today, he spends about half of his time developing and teaching workshops (for students who affectionately quip that the Federal Register is his favorite reading material) and making presentations to professional organizations. He devotes the other half to consulting work that involves performing chargemaster reviews, compliance reviews, providing litigation support, and conducting reimbursement studies.
Dr. Abbey also uses his mathematical and financial background to perform financial assessments, develop complex financial models, and conduct various types of statistical work. His studies in the field of neurolinguistic programming have enhanced his ability to provide organizational communication facilitation services for healthcare organizations. He also provides litigation support services for attorneys representing healthcare providers in legal proceedings.