A step by step guide on how to deal with the bullying by the local authorities financial department against the residents who fall into arrears. The financial branch of the local authorities are very unpleasant people to deal with.
There is no such thing as morality or ethics in the collection of council tax. The behaviour of the local authorities has been disgraceful in the courts. Councils get privilege in the way matters are heard in magistrates court.
This bad behaviour is also seen in the enforcement agents the councils employ to go out and harass mainly the poorest in our society.
Most these enforcement agents only get their wage on collection of a debt. These agents can not force entry, they can only enter through open or unlocked doors. You should only deal with the council and have no dealings with the bailiffs.
In 2024/25 95% of councils are going to raise council tax up to the maximum increase 4.99%
Birmingham, Woking, Slough and Thurrock have special dispensation to raise council tax by 10% We are told councils are having to make some of their toughest decisions ever to prevent the risk of insolvency over £9bn funding black hole over the next five years.
These decisions are not having to be made from lack of money, it's down to mismanaged funds.
Many residents are already suffering with thousands of pounds of council tax arrears, many suffering with the threats of removal of their goods, and only in England the threats of imprisonment for non payment of a local tax which is a civil matter.
It seems that the local authorities and Government don't seem to realise or even care that further raises in council tax which just create more non payers.
Most are not refusing to pay, but can't pay, but councils treat them all mostly the same.
I'm hoping that this book will help those living in fear of getting deeper in arrears and fearing the knock at the door by the enforcement agents.
'All of the funding raised through council tax can be spent as the local authority sees fit. It is not possible to say that council tax pays for particular local services: it is pooled with revenue from business rates, Government grants and other sources of income.
In law council tax is a tax, not a fee or charge for local authority public services. There is no entitlement to a refund of council tax if a constituent believes that a particular local service has not been provided.
I'm a known author, Photographer and Ironman. Any quires I can be contacted on social media, pattospics@aol.com also Tiktok @patto1956
Facebook Paul Patterson The National Anti-Council Tax Campaigner