Part I: Sequence and Other Properties of CpG Islands
1. CpG Islands: A Historical Perspective
Francisco Antequera and Adrian Bird
2. Biochemical Identification of Non-Methylated DNA by BioCAP-Seq
Hannah K. Long, Nathan R. Rose, Neil P. Blackledge, and Robert J. Klose
3. Prediction of CpG Islands as an Intrinsic Clustering Property Found in Many Eukaryotic DNA Sequences and Its Relation to DNA Methylation
Cristina Gómez-Martín, Ricardo Lebrón, José L. Oliver, and Michael Hackenberg
4. CpG Islands in Cancer: Heads, Tails, and Sides
Humberto J. Ferreira and Manel Esteller
Part II: Methods for the Measurement of DNA Methylation at CpG Islands
5. Infinium DNA Methylation Microarrays on Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Samples
Sebastian Moran and Manel Esteller
6. The Use of Methylation-Sensitive Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification for Quantification of Imprinted Methylation
Ana Monteagudo-Sánchez, Intza Garin, Guiomar Perez de Nanclares, and David Monk
7. The Pancancer DNA Methylation Trackhub: A Window to The Cancer Genome Atlas Epigenomics Data
Izaskun Mallona, Alberto Sierco, and Miguel A. Peinado
8. Methylation-Sensitive Amplification Length Polymorphism (MS-AFLP) Microarrays for Epigenetic Analysis of Human Genomes
Sergio Alonso, Koichi Suzuki, Fumiichiro Yamamoto, and Manuel Perucho
9. Genome-Wide Profiling of DNA Methyltransferases in Mammalian Cells
Massimiliano Manzo, Christina Ambrosi, and Tuncay Baubec
10. Experimental Design and Bioinformatic Analysis of DNA Methylation Data
Yulia Medvedeva and Alexander Shershebnev
Part III: Chromatin and Related Genomics Methods Used for Understanding the Functional Role of CpG Islands and Other Regulatory Regions
11. Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin (ATAC-Seq) to Chart the Open Chromatin Landscape of Human Pancreatic Islets
Helena Raurell-Vila, Mireia Ramos-Rodríguez, and Lorenzo Pasquali
12. Defining Regulatory Elements in the Human Genome Using Nucleosome Occupancy and Methylome Sequencing (NOMe-Seq)
Suhn Kyong Rhie, Shannon Schreiner, and Peggy J. Farnham
13. Genome-Wide Mapping of Protein-DNA Interactions on Nascent Chromatin
Chenhuan Xu and Victor G. Corces
14. Analysis of Chromatin Interactions Mediated by Specific Architectural Proteins in Drosophila Cells
Masami Ando-Kuri, I. Sarahi M. Rivera, M. Jordan Rowley, and Victor G. Corces
15. High-Throughput Single-Cell RNA Sequencing and Data Analysis
Sagar, Josip Stefan Herman, John Andrew Pospisilik, and Dominic Grün
16. Functional Insulator Scanning of CpG Islands to Identify Regulatory Regions of Promoters Using CRISPR
Alice Grob, Masue Marbiah, and Mark Isalan
17. An Application-Directed, Versatile DNA FISH Platform for Research and Diagnostics
Eleni Gelali, Joaquin Custodio, Gabriele Girelli, Erik Wernersson, Nicola Crosetto, and Magda Bienko