Overview The Critical Path Method (CPM) is at the very epicenter of Construction Project Management. Isn't it about time that you learned how CPM really works? Highlights CPM Mechanics is, far and away, the most comprehensive, coherent, and practical text ever written about the raw, underlying mechanics of the Critical Path Method (CPM). If ever you wanted to understand really understand how the Critical Path Method works under the hood, then this is the book for you! CPM Mechanics is written in a friendly conversational style by a world-renowned authority on Construction Project Time Management. The author has infused the text with his unique personal perspective, one that evolved over a dizzying 35-year career as a seasoned Construction Planner/Scheduler on over 225 construction projects (worldwide) of virtually every project type one can think of.
It s Own Website CPM Mechanics is such a game-changing book that it has its very own website. Be sure to visit the CPM Mechanics website today! (www.CpmMechanics.com).
Glowing Review Here is what Professor Gunnar Lucko of the Catholic University of America had to say about CPM Mechanics:
"A truly new and comprehensive explanation of scheduling mechanics from the ground up. It effectively explains each step in the voice of a senior scheduler standing right beside the student's side. The amount of detail exceeds any other textbook, yet is presented clearly without overwhelming the reader." What s Inside? CPM Mechanics 15 chapters are heavily sprinkled with over 225 fully self-explanatory illustrations presented in crisp and vibrant colors. A nine-page List of Figures, plus a seven-page Table of Contents and extensive Index make it a breeze to navigate. The digital version is completely hyperlinked and bookmarked. To review an in-depth Table of Contents, see the book s website, www.CpmMechanics.com.
Crawl-Walk-Run Approach to Teaching CPM Mechanics' over-arching goal of explaining how CPM works "under the hood" is never forgotten, despite occasional detours into insightful side discussions. Every detail of the Critical Path Method is meticulously examined and presented in baby steps such as a four-page discussion of an Activity Box! And another multi-page instruction on "how to draw a logic arrow!"
Who Should Read CPM Mechanics? CPM Mechanics is Must Reading for Owners, Contractors, Construction Managers, Owner s Representatives, Project Managers, Superintendents, Architects, Engineers, Claims Consultants, Construction Lawyers, Educators/Trainers, Planners/ Schedulers or anyone who has a vested interest in the timely completion of construction projects.
Book s Salient Features 480 pages written in friendly conversational style, following a crawl-walk-run instructional approach 225 illustrations in crystal-clear, vibrant colors Extensive Table of Contents, four-levels deep Alphabetical Index of over 400 terms Comprehensive List of Figures, over 300 deep All technical terms fully defined, and cross-referenced to the ICS-Dictionary All arithmetic formulas cross-referenced to supporting ICS-White Papers Digital version is extensively hyperlinked and bookmarked Included Free with CPM Mechanics Digital copy of the world-renowned ICS-Dictionary Digital copy of five ICS-White Papers referenced in CPM Mechanics When is a Critical Path NOT the Most Critical Path? ($21) Cognitive Project Management's Three Relationship Categories ($15) How to Calculate Dates in the Critical Path Method ($25) Understanding the Point-of-Day Perspective ($6) How the WBS Can Break a Schedule ... ($14)