A systematic overview of the philosophy, history, and practices that created the discipline of science, and then created parts of science which stepped out of bounds to challenge religious beliefs.
An introduction for those (on both sides) who haven't been involved in the debate, and a chance for those who have been to step back, carefully consider the big picture, and perhaps do some adjusting to their thinking.
A request for everyone to take a deep breath, carefully consider what we really know for sure, how much we know we don't really know, how much we might not even suspect we don't know, and try to discuss things in a calm, respectful, and mature manner.
From the forgotten mists of history to the leading edge of scientific investigation, the basic questions of philosophy remain. There were some, in the later 1700s and on into the late 1800s, who believed that Science and Reason would answer all the big questions and replace Religion in general, and Biblical Christianity in particular. Some still do, but the big questions remain, there is much we know we don't know much about, and there are scientists who doubt a number of positions held by the majority, and some of them believe in the most "literal interpretation" of the Bible's passages describing the formation of the Earth and a world-wide catastrophic flood.
It seems many people have no understanding at all of how other people can believe what they do, and the lack of understanding is mutual. Some people are satisfied with pointing at the others, laughing and calling them names. This book is for those who are willing to wonder if we haven't all gotten off-track more or less. Let's go back and travel through the recorded history, navigating the shifting currents of philosophical, religious, and "scientific" beliefs to see how we got to where we are today.
About the Author: The author is Nobody, an Old Dreamer who has been known in cyberspace by many names, such as Alfred Noll and Nollan Voyd. He is a chubby little old man behind a curtain, pulling strings to bring together facts and ideas for you to consider. He does not claim to be a great Wizard or any such thing. Pay no attention to him. Enjoy the book. But if you really want more, see my blog, which has appendices for the book and other related information: https: //fundamentalistscience.co