Section 1: Introduction
Chapter 1. Re-Imagining STEM Education: Critical, Transdisciplinary and Embodied Approaches, Pratim Sengupta, Marie-Claire Shanahan, and Beaumie Kim, University of Calgary
Section 2: Transdisciplinary Approaches in STEM Education (Theme 1)
Chapter 2. Integrated STEM in Initial Teacher Education: Tackling Diverse Epistemologies, James P. Davis, Vinesh Chandra, and Alberto Bellocchi, Queensland University of Technology
Chapter 3. Towards a Production Pedagogy Model for Critical Science and Technology Interventions, Gabriela Alonso-Yanez, University of Calgary, Kurt Thumlert, York University, Suzanne de Castell, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, and Jennifer Jenson, University of British Columbia
Chapter 4. Imagining the sustainable future through the construction of fantasy worlds, Beaumie Kim, University of Calgary; Stefan Rasporich, Calgary Arts Academy; Diali Gupta, University of Calgary
Chapter 5. Preservice teachers' perceptions of STEAM education and attitudes toward STEAM disciplines and careers in China, Wenjing Li, Beijing Normal University and Feng-Kuang Chiang, Shanghai Normal University
Chapter 6. Engaging Emerging Bilingual Students in Language and Scientific Practices through Collaborative Disciplinarily-Integrated Games from a Co-Operative Action Lens, Douglas Clark, University of Calgary, and Ashlyn Pearson, Vanderbilt University
Chapter 7. Getting beyond functional rationality in the kid coding movement: An agenda for the Learning Sciences, Kevin O'Neil, Simon Fraser University
Chapter 8. Beyond Isolated Competencies: Computational Literacy in an Elementary Science Classroom, Amanda Dickes, Harvard University & Amy Farris, The Pennsylvania State University
Chapter 9. Development of a CDIO Framework for Elementary Computational Thinking, Stephanie Hladik, Laleh Behjat, and Anders Nygren, University of Calgary
Chapter 10. Playfully Coding Science: Views from Preservice Science Teacher Education, Pratim Sengupta, Beaumie Kim, and Marie-Claire Shanahan, University of Calgary
Section 3: Bodies, Hegemony and Decolonization in STEM Education (Theme 2)
Chapter 11. Rethinking bodies of learners through STEM education, Miwa Aoki Takeuchi and Shima Dadkhahfard, University of Calgary
Chapter 12. Supporting complex multimodal expression around representations of data: Experience matters, Victor Lee, Stanford University
Chapter 13. Facilitating enactment in STEM teacher education within and across learning spaces, Janette Bobis, University of Sydney
Chapter 14. Narrative co-construction of stances towards engineers' work in socio-technical contexts, Ayush Gupta, Chandra Turpen, University of Maryland, College Park, Thomas Philip, University of California, Berkeley, and Andrew Elby, University of Maryland, College Park
Chapter 15. &
About the Author:
Pratim Sengupta is a Professor of Learning Sciences and STEM Education in the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary, where he has held the Research Chair of STEM Education. A recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, he also directs the Mind, Matter, and Media Lab (M3Lab) at the University of Calgary.
Marie-Claire Shanahan is an Associate Professor of Learning Sciences and STEM Education in the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary, where she has held the Research Chair of Science Education. She also directs the Mind, Matter, and Media Lab (M3Lab) at the University of Calgary.
Beaumie Kim is an Associate Professor of Learning Sciences and STEM Education in the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary.