Chapter 1: Fiori Applications in SAP HANA Chapter Goal: The goal is to explain what Fiori is and how it is developed in SAP HANA. There are five design principles for Fiori applications.
No of pages 30
Sub -Topics
1. What is Fiori?
2. Five design principles of Fiori
3. Getting your system ready for Fiori applications
4. Understanding layouts and floor plans
Chapter 2: Consuming Data in Fiori Applications Chapter Goal: This chapter explains how to mock data, how to consume data, how to understand and prepare data for the Fiori application.
No of pages:
Sub - Topics
1. Understanding data and mocking it when not available
2. OData and JSON Models
3. Consuming REST APIs
4. Data driven design approaches
Chapter 3: Fiori Application following the MVC
Chapter Goal: the goal for this chapter is to understand the moving pieces to create a Fiori application
No of pages: 30
Sub - Topics:
1. MVC
2. Tools for developing and debugging Fiori applications
3. Integrating external JS libraries into (SAPUI5) Fiori
4. Browser differences, limitations, and features
5. Fiori application on various devices
Chapter 4: Unit Testing of Fiori Applications
Chapter Goal: The goal of this chapter is to start with unit testing, comparing different unit test frameworks and finish with an automated testing scenario
No of pages: 30
Sub - Topics:
1. Unit testing frameworks
2. Fiori app unit testing
3. Improvements resulting from unit testing
Chapter 5: Deploying Fiori Application Chapter Goal: The goal of the chapter is to help the reader to complete the software development cycle and be able to deploy the Fiori application to a production environment.
1. Preparing the deployment, software versioning
2. Deploying to different platforms such as SAP Cloud and AWS
3. Automating deployment
About the Author: Sergio Guerrero is a passionate software engineer with 10+ years of experience in web and database development in various technology stacks such as .NET and SAP HANA. He is the author of Microservices on SAP HANA XSA (Apress). On non-working days, Sergio cheers for the Green Bay Packers and Tigres UANL (MX soccer),