Chapter: Introduction and Preview: introduce the topic of the book; its importance and differentiation from related topics; organization and preview of the book's chapters.
Chapter: Resilience - Key Concepts and Definitions: relations and differentiation from related concepts: security, risk, robustness, reliability, survivability, self-healing, adaptation, agility, cyber maneuver, moving target defense, continuity of operation; fault and disruption tolerance; rapid recovery; cyber insurance; resilience in other fields: organizational theory, biology, psychology, material science
Chapter: Organizational Processes and Practices: managing and operating towards CR: human (and other intelligent supervisory mechanisms') policies, procedures, organizational techniques; review of NIST, MITRE and other guides; objectives and goals of CR (understand, prepare, prevent, constrain, continue, transform, re-architect); key processes of CR; key best practices and heuristics of CR
Section (2-3 chapters): Assessing Cyber Resilience: measurements and measures (direct observables); metrics (computed); approaches to experiments and empirical observations; qualitative judgments and indices; methods for measurement, evaluation, or validation of resilience; characterizing capacity for resilience: absorptive capacity, adaptive capacity, restorative capacity
Section (2-3 chapters): Factors that Affect CR: complexity, resource availability and redundancy; degree of performance optimization, multiplicity of threat types, topology, opportunity for cascading failures, buffering, ability to reject wrong information and make correct inferences; relations of resiliency to other properties: resilience and risk, robustness, reliability, etc.; human factors
Section (3-4 chapters): Characterizing and Predicting CR via Models and Simulation: conceptual and ontological theories of CR; mathematical models of CR; executable and simulation models; simulation/emulation techniques for network resilience; modeling different types of cyber failures; modeling malicious behavior or attacks on networks; modeling of cascading failures; impact of coupling, interdependencies and topology of influences; self-organized criticality; complex adaptive systems, evolution by selection; modeling of resistance and recovery processes; formal methods for CR; mission impact analysis; impact on QoS
Section (4-5 chapters): Building and Enhancing Cyber Resilience: design for resilience; cyber resiliency engineering (architectural practices and mechanisms to improve cyber resilience); standardization of network resilience; technical means to key processes and phases of resilient operations (anticipating and avoiding; withstanding and absorbing; recovering and restoring; adapting and reconfiguring); technologies for strengthening resilient operations (monitoring and situational awareness; cyber maneuver during attack, active defense, deceiving and obfuscating; employing redundant resources; finding (forensics) and destroying hostile malware; service and operations continuity; learning and self-learning)
Section (2-3 chapters): Cyber Resilience of Selected Architectures: Future Internet resilience, P2P and overlay systems, Internet of Things, data centers, wireless-wired communications, wireless sensor networks, emerging communication technologies, vehicle-to-vehicle communications, cloud computing, content-oriented networks architectures and solutions, architectures/solutions, distributed computing, Software-Defined Networks (SDN), cloud architectures, fog architecture