Paola Giacomoni, Sara Dellantonio, Nicolò Valentini - Introduction
Anna Beltrametti (University of Pavia) - Philosophical fear and tragic fear
Martina Di Stefano (University of Trento, PHD Student) - The pathos of ridicule in Plato's Dialogues
Fulvia De Luise (University of Trento) - Shame and self-consciousness in Plato's Symposium: Reversing the meaning of a social emotion
Silvia Gastaldi (University of Pavia) - Envy and competition in Aristotle's Rhetoric
Andrea Aldo Robiglio (University of Leuven)- Aquinas on the benefits of disgust for the sound use of reason
Emanuele Coccia (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris) - The normative code of emotions: Christian mythology and the construction of a normative psychology
Paola Giacomoni (University of Trento)- An optimistic anger? Barbara Carnevali (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris) - Glory, The race for prestige in the Hobbesian model
Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis (University of Milano)- The pleasure of weeping: The novelty of research
Caterina Maurer (University of Trento)- Blushing with shame: The feeling of the discordance between what I am and what I ought to be in Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit
Nicolò Valentini (University of Trento, PHD student)- The subtle interplay between disgust and morality: Miasma as a case study Alessandro Grecucci (University of Trento), - How shame guides our lives. Historical, Philosophical and Psychological perspectives
Pastore, Luigi (University of Bari), Dellantonio, Sara (University of Trento) - The negative effects of the missing emotion awareness: The case of alexithymia