This book presents the methodology and applications of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in measuring productivity, efficiency and effectiveness in Financial Services firms such as banks, bank branches, stock markets, pension funds, mutual funds, insurance firms, credit unions, risk tolerance, and corporate failure prediction. Financial service DEA research includes banking; insurance businesses; hedge, pension and mutual funds; and credit unions. Significant business transactions among financial service organizations such as bank mergers and acquisitions and valuation of IPOs have also been the focus of DEA research.
The book looks at the range of DEA uses for financial services by presenting prior studies, examining the current capabilities reflected in the most recent research, and projecting future new uses of DEA in finance related applications.
About the Author: Joseph C. Paradi is Professor Emeritus and Chair holder of the Chair in Information Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at the University of Toronto. Additionally, he is the Director, Center for Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship at the University. He earned his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering at the University of Toronto. His research interests focus on the Financial Services Industry and its technology needs; applying DEA to financial services; and eCommerce.
H. David Sherman is a full professor in the College of Business Administration at Northeastern University, Boston. He teaches accounting and control courses in Executive MBA, High Technology MBA, graduate, and undergraduate programs. His research interests include service business productivity and DEA; Mergers and Acquisition performance measurement; entrepreneurship and governance in publicly traded Chinese businesses; and financing and managing new ventures. He is author or co-author of ten books (one with Springer).
Fai Keung Tam earned his Engineering Degree at the University of New Brunswick before completing his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in Industrial Engineering. After graduation, he worked in the banking industry with the securities arm of a large Canadian bank. He had roles in risk management, trading, and quantitative analysis for the bank in London, England, and Chicago.