Poem: "What if You Live Two Hundred Years?"
The RAAD Fests (Revolution against Aging and Death) on life span extension, with stem cell injections, bio-identical hormone replacement, blood factor extracts, removing senescent cells with peptides, and fitness and sexuality. How to cure or prevent all diseases and the spiritual purpose of disease. Your happiness index and the world's happiest countries. The inner science of longevity and your natural life span of 147 years and how to reach it.
Develop the power of the mind and the breath, purify the three bodies, understand the dietary connection, heal your death urge, believe you deserve it, believe it's possible, and expect it. Affirmations, mantras, chants, the Arti, hymns, cleanliness, purification, fitness and yoga, meditation and concentration. A survey of rejuvenation technologies: biochemical, vibrational, magnetic fields, and interdimensional. Kryon comes to Seattle.
How long do ETs live? That old retirement-death fear rebuked. It's an exciting time to be alive. Wisdom of the spirit: symbol of the snowflake; chakras; majority of your body's energy doesn't come from food; regarding love and sex; fingers and hands of humans and ETs; symbols of the nose, eyes and fingernails; what does a fruit tree get out of a human or an animal eating its fruit?
Death by water, man's body and the unseen kingdoms, higher guidance is always given to humans.
Poem: "Ode to Ambrosia."
What can you do to reach your natural life span of 147 years? Utilize the power of the mind with fanaticism. Use the power of the breath. Use purification of foods, water, thoughts, emotions, and your higher self. Opening the chakras, strengthening the soul-body connection, healing the teeth, eyes, ears. Affirmations for life extension, opening the chakras, and healing soul imbalances.