Azazel followed the cat...
When Azazel returns to the monastery, he brings a big problem with him. Believe it or not, this is not a problem he can solve on his own, and now everyone around him is in grave danger.
Wanting to help the young warrior with his problem, the master sends him on a journey to find a dark magician who is his best chance of coming out of his situation alive.
Things get a little complicated, because they always do, when he meets a desperate father with a story equally unbelievable and intriguing. He finds himself in a position where he can help the man, but he risks failing at finding a solution for his own problems.
Choices, choices, choices
While trying to be a good guy(he really does try) Azazel finds himself in one precarious situation after another. He begins to question everyone's motives, including his own. He slips into the dark reaches of his own mind and finds himself doing things he's not proud of.
A strange run in with a friend gives Azazel new life, but also brings back his trust issues. He knows people aren't always what they seem to be and Azazel has to navigate a new environment where his goals clash against his duty.
With the magician's help, Azazel will face his demons and himself, and he doesn't like that at all. I mean who wants to face themselves right?
However, Azazel is more mature now(ahem). He doesn't just do what feels good anymore and focuses more on what is right. He ultimately finds himself in a position where many people's well-being depend on his ability to do the right thing and grow at the right time, in the right way.
Day of Judgment is full of action and intrigue and shows Azazel in his most vulnerable stage yet.