In order to become an IBM Certified Database Administrator - DB2 9 DBA for z/OS, you must pass two exams: DB2 9 Fundamentals Exam (Exam 730), and DB2 9 Database Administrator for z/OS (Exam 732)the primary focus focus of this book.
Written by two members of the team who participated in the actual writing of the exam, this specialized study guide covers every topic that you will need to know to pass Exam 732, including database design and implementation, operation and recovery, security and auditing, performance, as well as installation and migration/upgrade. But that is only the beginning. It also covers the new features of DB2 9 for both database and application development.
This comprehensive guide includes an extensive set of practice questions in each chapter that closely model the actual exam, along with an answer key with a description of why the answer is the correct one. No other source gives you this much help in passing the exam.
Whether you plan to take Exam 732 or just want to master the skills needed to be an effective database administrator on z/OS systems, this is the only book you ll need.
With the "DB2 9 for z/OS Database Administration Certification Study Guide," you will:
Discover the changes to DB2 9 that you ll need to know in order to besuccessful when taking the exam
Learn how to effectively administer aDB2 database
Receive an explanation of every objective included on thetestby someone involved in the creation of the actual exam
Find 85practice questions based on the actual exam s format and approach, along with comprehensive answers to help you gain understanding
Publisher s Note: While this book covers much of the information needed to prepare for Exam 730, a far more in-depth review of topics specifically related to Exam 730 can be found in the MC Press companion book: "DB2 9 Fundamentals Certification Study Guide" by Roger E. Sanders."
About the Author: Susan Lawson is an internationally recognized consultant and lecturer with a strong background in system and database administration. With more than 19 years experience in DB2, she currently works with several clients to help develop and implement some of the world s largest and most complex DB2 databases and applications. She is the author of "DB2 High Performance Design and Tuning," "DB2 for z/OS Version 8 DBA Certification Guide," and "DB2 Univerisal Database for OS/390 v7.1 Application Certification Guide." Daniel Luksetich is a senior DB2 database administrator and has been in the information technology business for more than 22 years. He has been a COBOL and BAL programmer, DB2 system programmer, DB2 database administator, and DB2 application architect."