The frequency and consequences of extreme flood events have increased rapidly worldwide in recent decades and climate change and economic growth are likely to exacerbate this trend. Flood protection measures alone cannot accommodate the future frequencies and impacts of flooding. Integrated flood risk management (IFRM) considers a portfolio of measures to reduce flood risk that comprise flood protection, but also land use planning and emergency management.
The implementation of IFRM policies and projects is not straightforward and guidance is lacking. IFRM requires collaboration between multiple disciplines; by a group of stakeholders with various interests and means; to combine objectives and funding from different policy domains; to consider a range of possible options at all spatial scale levels and for various time horizons. Moreover the overarching societal system and its incumbent cultures, structures and practices are yet unfit for IFRM.
This dissertation provides guidance for IFRM: governance arrangements for planning processes; for stimulating learning and collaboration; for adaptation of the physical (natural and man-made) and societal systems. It presents 4 appealing case studies from the Netherlands. This work brings new insights to the scientific domains of inter alia: flood risk management; adaptive co-management; and transition management, particularly through their mutual enrichment.
About the Author: Sebastiaan van Herk holds an MSc degree (cum laude) in Systems Engineering and Policy Analysis from Delft University of Technology, studied Industrial Engineering at the UPC Barcelona and Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Mr. Van Herk is partner, management team member and senior consultant at Bax & Willems Consulting Venturing in Open Innovation, Business Development and Research & Development. He is a part-time researcher at Delft University of Technology at the department of Civil Engineering and a founding member of the Flood Resilience Group at UNESCO-IHE. His research focuses on governance, collaboration, learning and transition processes in flood management, climate adaptation and urban development planning. As a consultant in these and adjacent domains, he creates Learning & Action Alliances and facilitates multi-actor, trans-disciplinary collaboration for policy development, business development, project delivery and knowledge development. The consultancy work of Mr. Van Herk can be characterised as hands-on, demand-driven and impact-focused, whilst as an action researcher he organises for a rigorous analysis and reflection upon the experiences to generate and publish lessons for wider uptake.
Sebastiaan van Herk has been appointed UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction) campaign Advocate for Resilient Cities. He also contributes to educational, training, and capacity building programmes. He is an experienced speaker and facilitator of workshops at international conferences.