Chapter 1: Planning Your Classroom Deployment of iPad (34 pages) Chapter Goal: The reader learns what the iPad can do and what types of usage it is suitable for in the classroom; analyzes her needs for the classroom; and plans the deployment.
Understanding iPad Capabilities
Comparing iPad to Laptops or Desktops
Analyzing Your Needs and Making a Plan
Chapter 2: Choosing iPads and Accessories (30 pages) Chapter Goal: The reader meets the current and recent iPad models and determines which iPads to get for the staff and students, plus accessories (such as cases, keyboards, and mounts). For iPads that will be kept in the classroom, the reader chooses a suitable storage location, such as a secure cart or closet.
Understanding the iPad Models
Choosing Power Sources for Your iPads
Choosing and Using Cases
Choosing and Using iPad Mounts Choosing Keyboards Where Needed
Choosing Storage Locations for iPads
Chapter 3: Essential iPad Skills for Administrators and Teachers (50-60 pages) Chapter Goal: In this chapter, the reader learns essential skills for using the iPad, starting with the basics but moving on rapidly to the advanced features and the settings she will need to use the iPad effectively in the classroom. The reader learns to configure an iPad manually for a teacher or a student to use.
Controlling Startup, Shutdown, and Restart
Navigating the Interface
Using AirPlay Mirroring
Transferring Files Using AirDrop
Understanding Your Options for Customizing iPads
Customizing the Home Screens Manually
Choosing Key Settings
Updating the Operating System
Installing and Removing Apps
Managing Local Storage and iCloud Storage
Chapter 4: Managing iPads with Apple Configurator (60-80 pages) Chapter Goal: In this chapter, the reader downloads and installs the Apple Configurator app and uses it to configure iPads automatically. Coverage includes working with configuration profiles and installing, managing, and removing apps.
Getting Apple Configurator
Working with Configuration Profiles
Buying iPad Apps in Volume
Installing and Removing Apps Using Apple Configurator
Managing Apps Using Apple Configurator
Chapter 5: Managing iPads with Apple School Manager (30 pages) Chapter Goal: In this chapter, the reader gets up to speed with Apple School Manager, Apple's turnkey service for managing Macs and iOS devices in schools and similar institutions. The chapter briefly explains the essential moves for Apple School Manager but doesn't give full details, because most of our readers are less likely to use Apple School Manager.
Understanding Apple School Manager
Signing Up for Apple School Manager
Enrolling Devices in Apple School Manager
Purchasing Content
Creating and Managing Accounts
Using Managed Apple IDs for Education
Chapter 6: Managing iPads with Mobile Device Management Tools (30 pages) Chapter Goal: In this chapter, the reader learns about Mobile Device Management (MDM) tools that can manage iPads. The chapter provides a brief overview of the main MDM tools available in case the reader needs to get one, and uses Meraki Systems Manager as an example. However, it is likely that many schools will already have an MDM tool deployed-so the reader will use that tool. Most iPad-compatible MDM tools work in largely similar ways because they connect through Apple's MDM framework, and Meraki Systems Manager provides a good example.
Understanding Mobile Device Management Options for iPad
Managing iPads with Meraki Systems Manager
Chapter 7: Accessing Files, Printers, and Other Resources (40 pages) Chapter Goal: In this chapter, the reader learns how to connect the iPads to local storage and online
About the Author: Guy Hart-Davis is the author of more than 100 computer books, including several books from Apress--among them Deploying Raspberry Pi in the Classroom, Learn Office 2016 for Mac, Learn Excel 2016 for Mac, and Pro Office for iPad. His books for other publishers include Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPad 5th Edition (Wiley) and iPad & iPhone Administrator's Guide (McGraw-Hill).