For all of you little pussies, crybabies, and cheapskates that whined about having to buy two separate books for one great story, here ya go! THE DESTROYER: THE FATHER MURPHY CHRONICLES is the deluxe versions of the first two Destroyer Books here for you together in one somewhat reasonably priced, bigger, better, BLOODIER limited edition. Twice the fun! Twice the excitement! Nearly twice the price! Enjoy Father Murphy's greatest hits, witty one-liners and uniquely expressed insight into the human condition-all thriller, no filler!
For those of you new to Father Murphy, you're in for a real treat. A two-front supernatural battle is brewing that threatens all life on Earth, but there's no need to go crying to your mommy, your therapist, or any of those Facebook friends you've never actually met-Father Murphy's here to help.
A powerful supernatural force hidden beneath a not-so-unassuming human disguise, Murphy teams up with Detective Lawrence Corliss to find a killer, save a young girl from a terrible fate, and bitch-slap the forces of darkness, all while maintaining a blood-alcohol level more than three times the legal limit.
About the Author: California native Jason L. Gooding, a non-judgmental, deeply spiritual green-eyed Pisces, enjoys all the same types of activities that most real men enjoy-antiquing, falconry, scrapbooking, interpretive dance, choking himself while pooping-as well as taking long walks in the rain, admiring sunsets, and talking about feelings. But more than anything, this self-professed Renaissance man and decoupage enthusiast loves to listen.