About the Book
The Devil at Our Doorstep Description: David Bego's account of Big Labor's use of intimidation and corruption in an attempt to usurp American freedoms is chronicled in this riveting new release, The Devil at Our Doorstep. The Devil at Our Doorstep, a non-fiction account by businessman David Bego, reads like a fast paced novel and describes the impact of labor unions on the economic and political landscape of America. He warns of the dangers to America's future posed by allowing greater control to these firmly-entrenched organizations and their political supporters/dependents, like President Obama, who are dedicated to elimination of the republic and the rise of socialism. Bego, an entrepreneur and business owner, experienced first-hand the intimidation, the physical threats and the character assassination labor unions will utilize to achieve their goals during his battle to protect his employees from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). In this true-life expansion to his successful book, The Devil at My Doorstep, Bego finds his efforts to be vindicated, receives an apology and recommendation from an SEIU ally and describes the final stages of his victory against one of the largest labor unions in the world. This story is seen throughout today's headlines, as Bego champions the need for National Right-to-Work legislation, explores President Obama's recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the Board's drive to achieve card check or forced unionism through regulation. It exposes the political collusion between big labor, President Obama and the liberal left, and suggests programs to restore America's future. The book also exposes the media's support or acquiescence to Big Labor. It shows the bias, fueled by the mainstream media's philosophical agreement with Big Labor, and points out their lack of coverage on labor related topics for fear of attacks against their advertisers. Mixing personal experience with business and political policy critique, Bego presents readers with the case against those who would limit the freedoms of other Americans for their own gain. Following the success of his first book, David was inundated with stories about big labor abuses, such as misuse of employee dues and intimidation from people all over the country who were tired of being bullied by Big Labor! Their riveting, and often shocking, true life stories are included, exposing the depths to which labor unions will sink to accomplish their goals. "This book is dedicated to preserving American freedoms and to the belief that all Americans must take personal responsibility and accountability for their own actions, as well as their personal growth and well-being," says Bego. Featured on radio and television shows across the country for his dramatic story, including the Lou Dobbs show on Fox Business, Bego wrote the book to engage, educate and inspire people from all political perspectives to act for the future of America, before it is too late. The book is intended for all readers interested in business, politics, history, social or economic issues and those who are concerned about the preservation of freedom in America. Bego's blog, TheDevilatOurDoorstep.com, is regularly featured on Breitbart's BigGovernment.com, where he is a featured contributor, as well as the California Public Policy Center's UnionWatch.org and the Competitive Enterprise Institute's (CEI) website. Dave has appeared on CNN and FOX Business, and he has been interviewed on Glenn Beck's Insider Extreme by S.E. Cupp. David is a weekly regular on radio talk shows across the country such as Barry Farber, Chuck Wilder, Jayne Carroll, Zeb Bell, Pat Snyder, Lincoln Brown, Bob Harden, Joe Messina, Elise Richmond and many others.
About the Author: David Bego's expertise to write this book stems from his actual firsthand experience while waging war with Andy Stern and the SEIU from late 2006 through the present day. Unlike other corporate executives, who either compromise their core values and cave in to union demands or simply talk about what it would be like to fight back against one of the most powerful unions in existence today, the author has lived the experience while under attack from Stern and his union thugs. For more than 60 months and counting, he has found the courage to stand up for what he believes, at all costs, protecting his employees' and all Americans' freedom to vote in a "secret ballot" election, absent from coercion. Despite damage to his personal and corporate reputations, the author has managed thus far to survive the SEIU onslaught and emerge with his integrity in tack. Truly the voice and face of the opposition to the Employees Free Choice Act a.k.a. Card Check, the author has enhanced his credentials through meetings with Congressional leadership or their aides, including Senators Richard Lugar (R-IN), Evan Bayh (D-IN), Harry Reid (D-NV), Dan Coats (R-IN) and Arlen Spector (D-PA), and State Representatives Mike Pence (R-IN), Todd Rokita (R-IN), Marlin Stutzman (R-IN) and Todd Young (R-IN). Bego was also instrumental in the efforts of Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, Speaker Brian Bosma, Senator Pro-Tem David Long and Congressman Jerry Torr to make Indiana the 23rd Right-to-Work (RTW) state. Indiana RTW was passed and signed into law February 1, 2012. Additionally, the author has been a featured speaker to groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Associated Builders and Contractors, Private Duty Nurses Association, Libertarian Party of Indian State Convention, Rotary Clubs, Rainmakers, West Palm Beach Florida Republican Club and Tea Party, Madison County Indiana Tea Party, Andrews Academy, Union Conservatives Lansing Michigan, and others across the country. In early 2009, the author made his sentiments known on up the Hill with a letter to every member of Congress outlining factors for consideration and opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act/Card Check. Represented by the New York public relations firm SandyPR, the author intends to broaden his media exposure by speaking out against regulations and legislation he believes are a direct threat to entrepreneurship, free enterprise, capitalism and, most importantly, freedom of choice.