About the Book
This Book Covers The Following Topics: -- 01. Sounds, 02. Ways of Thinking, 03. Ways of Walking, 04. Ways of Movement, 05. Ways of Changing, 06. Ways of Laughing and Smiling, 07. Ways of Seeing, 08. Ways of Saying Something, 09. Ways of Writing and Marking, 10. Ways of Continuing, 11. Feelings, 12. Cooking, 13. Disturbance, 14. Situation of Confusion, 15(A). Smells, 15(B). Tastes, 16. Cries of Creatures, 17. Colors, 18. Remarks, 19. Body Marks, 20. Body and Body Shape, 21. 'Old', 22. Time and Numbers, 23. Zodiac Sign and Birthstones, 24. Fabrics, 25. Shapes, 26. Religion, 27(A). Nature, 27(B). Biomes, 28. People and Family, 29. Currencies, 30. Measurement Units, 31. Government, 32. Miscellaneous ---- Sample This: 01. Category Words - Sounds -- 01. Babble -- the sound of many people speaking altogether; Example: Babble of Voices; 02. Bang -- sudden loud noise; Example: Bang of a Gun; 03. Beat -- sound made by a series of regular blows to something; Examples: Beating of Drums, Beating of Wings; 04. Blast -- the sound of an explosion, sound made by blowing of musical instruments; Examples: Blast of a Bomb, Blast of a siren; 05. Blow -- to produce a sound by forcing your breath out when your lips are closed; Examples: Blowing of Bungles, Blowing of Trumpet, Blowing of Whistle; 06. Boom -- loud deep sound; Example: Booming of Guns; 07. Chatter -- a series of short high sounds; Examples: Chattering of Birds, Chattering of Monkeys, Chattering of Teeth; 08. Chink -- light ringing sound; Example: Chinking of Glass; 09. Clang -- the loud ringing sound of metals; Examples: Clanging of Arms, Clanging of Bells; 10. Clank -- the loud sound of metal objects hitting together; Example: Clanking of Chains; 11. Clap -- the sound of hitting something by hand, sudden loud noise; Examples: Clapping of Hands, Clapping of Thunder; 12. Clatter -- loud noise made by knocking of hard objects; Examples: Clattering of Hoofs, Clattering of Knife; 13. Crackle -- a series of light sharp sounds; Examples: Crackling of Fire-Wood, Crackling of Gunfire, Crackling of Flames; 14. Creak -- a series of sharp sounds; Examples: Creaking of a Whip, Creaking of Shoes; 15. Din -- a loud, unpleasant sound that lasts for a long time; Example: Din of a Crowd; 16. Ding -- sound made by a bell; Example: Ding of a Bell; 17. Explode -- to make loud, violent sound; Examples: Exploding of Guns, Exploding of Bombs, Exploding of Rocket; 18. Flap -- quick noisy movement; Examples: Flapping of Wings, Flapping of Newspaper, Flapping of Steam; 19. Jingle -- a sound like small bells ringing; Example: Jingling of Coins; 20. Knock -- the sound of somebody hitting a door, gate, window, etc.; Examples: Knocking of a Door, Knocking of a Window
About the Author: Manik Joshi was born on Jan 26, 1979 at Ranikhet and is permanent resident of Haldwani, Kumaon zone of India. He is an Internet Marketer by profession. He is interested in domaining (business of buying and selling domain names), web designing (creating websites), and various online jobs (including 'self book publishing'). He is science graduate with ZBC (zoology, botany, and chemistry) subjects. He is also an MBA (with specialization in marketing). He has done three diploma courses in computer too. ManikJoshi.com is the personal website of the author.