The international conference Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and Innovation (SCBTII) 2019 has brought together academics, professionals, entrepreneurs, researchers, learners, and other related groups from around the world who have a special interest in theories and practices in the development of the field of digital economy for global competitiveness. Considering that, at present, technology and industry 4.0 are still a leading trend and offer great opportunities for global businesses, the rise of industry 4.0 makes competition in the business world more attractive, yet fierce. Opportunities and challenges for business development in industry 4.0 are becoming firm and it also provides businesses the possibility to compete globally. Companies that desire to enter this global competition should pay attention to customer benefits and business fairness in order to achieve sustainability in this digital economy. This proceedings volume contains selected papers from this conference and presents opportunities to communicate and exchange new ideas and experiences. Moreover, the conference provided opportunities, both for the presenters and the participants, to establish research relations, and find global partners for future collaboration.
About the Author: Grisna Anggadwita is a full time lecturer at the Business Management of Telecommunications and Informatics Department, School of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Indonesia. She teaches courses in entrepreneurship, small business management, e-commerce and business processes. Her research interests include entrepreneurial intention, technology management, women entrepreneurship, business incubator, and innovation management. She is an active researcher and published more than 100 articles in leading international and national journals as well as international proceedings.
Erni Martini is a full time lecturer at the Business Management of Telecommunication and Information Department, Faculty of Economic and Business, Telkom University, Indonesia. She teaches courses in marketing management, integrated marketing communication, interpersonal and business communication, and also audience and content. Her research interests are in the marketing field, especially marketing on social media, consumer behavior, consumer behavior in social media, integrated communication in the digital environment, and content analysis. She is an active researcher and published articles in international and national journals and proceedings.