Digital Fissures offers numerous lenses through which to explore the relationships between genders, bodies and technologies. It rethinks feminist archives, argues for inserting postpornography into academia, approaching sex toys from a transpositive perspective, and examines attempts to dismantle the foundations of techno-capitalism. Each chapter works to reimagine the body as a hybrid, malleable and subversive source of potentiality. These essays provide readers with road maps for unimagined and uncharted social scapes: guides to working within a space of monstrosity demanded by the relationship between bodies-technologies-genders. Through this embodied discomfort, Digital Fissures questions existing techno-social norms, and imagines transfeminist futures.
Contributors are: Carlotta Cossutta, Valentina Greco, Arianna Mainardi, Stefania Voli, Lucía Egña Rojas, Ludovico Virtù;, Angela Balzano, Obiezione Respinta, Elisa Virgili, Rachele Borghi, and Diego Marchante "Genderhacker".
About the Author: Stefania Voli holds a Ph.D. in Citizenship, Rights and Gender Equality in Modern and Contemporary History, and a Ph.D. in Applied Sociology and Social Research Methodology. Her publications include: "Young People Between Uncertainty and Agency. An Analysis of the Strategies of Transition to Adulthood in Italy" and Modificazioni corporee e cittadinanza transgender. Il caso del Movimento Identità; Transessuale di Bologna.
Arianna Mainardi holds a Ph.D. in Information Society from the Università degli studi di Milano. Her publications include: "Young People Between Uncertainty and Agency. An Analysis of the Strategies of Transition to Adulthood in Italy", "At the Roots of Media Cultures. Social Movements Producing Knowledge About Media as Discriminatory Workspaces", and "Sexuality and Power in Contemporary Italy: Subjectivities between Gender Norms, Agency and Social Transformation".
Valentina Greco has an MA in Gender Studies and a Ph.D. in Women's History and Gender Identity. Her publications include: 'L'ago dentro e fuori'; Il nodo memoria/storia nel caso della deportazione, Geography and the ICT: New Technolgies and Geographical Research, and In Italia abortire é ancora un diritto a metà;.
Carlotta Cossutta is a postdoctoral researcher in Political Philosophy at the University of Eastern Piedmont. Her publications include: "Transfeminist politics and populist counterattacks in Italy", "Maternal relations, feminism and surrogate motherhood in the Italian context", and Linguistic Traps. Identity and Differences Through Institutions, Law, Politics and the Gender Binary.