Chapter 1. Digital marketing strategy: new performance and risks
Valentina Gerasimenko
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Russia,
The article analyzes the directions of implementation of digital strategies and tools in marketing, which becomes a condition for the competitiveness of companies in global markets. Since digitalization as a global process covered all markets, the purpose of the paper was to analyze the real change in marketing strategies and tools on the example of companies operating in the Russian markets. The author conducted a study of the directions and problems of implementation of digital tools and strategies based on the methods of interviewing top managers of companies. The results of the survey show the real directions of using digital strategies and emerging risks of resistance to change. The analysis revealed problems and allowed us to make recommendations for new research on the study of the necessary manager's competencies for the effective implementation of digital strategies.
Key words: digitalization of economy, electronic markets, digital marketing, marketing tools.
Chapter 2. The European Digital Policy as a tool for Implementing the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Olga Butorina
Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation Abstract:
A significant number of works on European digital politics already exists in the world academic literature. The subject of most of them is various domestic aspects of a single digital market, including both technical and legal ones. EU digital policy's external influence is actively discussed in the field of international law, primarily with the copyright, which is associated with the cross-border movement of content (films, e-books, etc.), as well as with the access of users from different countries to databases. However, the global impact of the EU's digital policy is even more legitimate to view through economic lenses. The objective of this study is to find out whether the digital policy of the European Union is an instrument of its global economic positioning and management. If the answer is yes, this tool has to be characterized: the range of external goals that the EU sets in the field of digital politics has to be determined and these claims have to be correlated with its actual position in the information services market.
The analysis of the most important political materials of 2015-2020 showed that if the EU's digital policy was initially aimed at overcoming internal barriers, today it is aimed at creating a favourable global digital environment. The author's estimates show that the EU accounts for a quarter of the global export of ICT services (excluding intra EU trade), which, on the one hand, provides favourable starting points for EU to become the global regulator, and on the other hand, does not give it indisputable advantages and portends a difficult negotiation process with other players, primarily the Asian countries.
Key words: European Union, European digital policy, European Digital Single Market, global governance, digital services exports.
Chapter 3. Institutionalization of the 4th Industrial Revolution in National Economics and on Global Market: Different Paths to Success
Vladimir Osipov
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University),
Moscow, Russia
Ante Rončevic
University North
Varazdin, Croatia
Abstract: The present paper evaluates different ap