The book begins:
"...I kindly ask that you take a moment to envision what you believe would be an ideal, modern democracy. In other words, given modern societies' ubiquitous and near constant access to incredible computing power and technology, how do you believe a modern democracy should function? How do you believe voters in a modern democratic republic should come together to determine the Will of the People? How should elected officials behave once the Will of the People is determined in a modern democracy? Direct Democracy is my answer to these questions. This is my treatise on modern democracy. It is an essay on evolving and modernizing our flawed democracies. Direct Democracy is a republic-based democratic political philosophy specifically designed to empower all voters equally, reduce political corruption, and openly and transparently determine the Will of the People at all levels of government.
This book is divided into three parts. Part One I have dedicated to explaining and unpacking the political philosophy of Direct Democracy. Part Two is an explanation and outline of the various features included in the online platform called Direct Democracy Network that we have designed to help implement Direct Democracy into society. The true success of any political idea or movement is measured by implementation success and this platform is the vehicle we have designed to propel this movement forward, promote political freedom, and evolve our current corrupt political systems. Part Three is a detailed discussion of what I believe will be some of the systemic political changes and outcomes that occur when Direct Democracy is implemented and we collectively begin to evolve our flawed political systems."
The main goals of the Direct Democracy political movement are to empower all legal voters equally in order to:
1. Modernize and evolve flawed democracy. Bring democracy into the current century. We have evolved so many other parts of our advanced, modern society- communication, transportation, medicine, energy, sourcing our food, entertainment, art etc.- it is time we modernize and evolve our democracy.
2. Reduce political corruption. Flawed democracy is the result of financial corruption and agenda corruption within our political systems. Direct Democracy will create a more honest, transparent, and accountable political system.
3. Openly and transparently determine the Will of the People at all levels of government. Create a virtual room, an online platform, where constituencies and elected officials can come together, discuss all relevant issues, and vote on all matters of importance at all levels of government.
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